Andra Weber Creative
Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Day 322 - What Happens When You Draw A Turkey Today?

Hello, little turkeys. Remember when we were kids and things were a bit more simple? We didn't worry about world politics, paying the bills or the specific direction life was taking us. At least in my childhood, there was a sense of being in the present and feeling pure joy. Don't get me wrong, childhood can be a very stressful time but there was something about childhood that created the feeling of true joy. Somewhere along the way to adulthood, I left joy in a parking garage and didn't the note the location. I've been looking for it for a while now and each time I think I have found it, it slips back into the dark parts of the garage. In other words, why do we reach a certain age only to find pure joy is hard to obtain? 

Take, for instance, drawing hand turkeys. Remember as a child, placing your hand down on a piece of crisp construction paper and carefully tracing with a marker around each finger? The turkey would then be completed with a beak and a waddle. It was pretty amazing to see a simple line drawing turned into something more. There was joy in that simple process.

Today's project is to create childlike joy and trace your adult hand on a piece of paper. Take your time and work slowly drawing a line over each curve and down into each valley. Add a beak, waddle and maybe some feathers. Most importantly, without judgment register your feelings before and after the process. 

Until tomorrow turkey lurkey.

NovemberAndra Weberthanks, fall, yet