Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Day 108 - With Gratitude.

Day 108 - Hello there. It's Sunday. I am going to jump right into the project for today. It is to create a list of at least three things in which you are grateful for today. I have been talking about the "Go Fish" birthday party on the blog and it went off with a bang yesterday. It was a true gift of a day. The weather was beautiful, the birthday boy was thrilled, the DIY decorations were fun and I didn't drop the cake on the floor. Plus, everyone seemed to have a super time. However, what I was truly grateful for were the friends and family that came to celebrate my son's 3rd birthday.

My son came into this world 3 years ago six weeks early. It was a stunningly stressful time in our lives. The day he was born there was so much up in the air. We didn't know if he would live but we held him tight for weeks in hope he would be ok. There was so much we didn't know. Would he be sick? Would he have developmental needs? A heart condition?

Today, he is a sweet, loving and healthy little boy who is very passionate about trucks, fishing and following his sister around. I looked at him today and all the people around him and thought "Wow. I am lucky to have this stunning resilient little boy. I am incredibly lucky that he is having a third birthday. I am lucky that he lived to see all these loving people around him. I hope I can teach him how to be incredibly grateful for all the people who love him today and in the future.

To all of you who came out today to celebrate, thank you. With gratitude.

AprilAndra WeberGifts, yet