Andra Weber Creative
Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Day 200 - Tinker Time.

Hey All. As I sit down to write this, the post vacation blues are rolling in like a storm in the midwest. In short dark, fast and overwhelming. To be honest, the last thing I want to do today is sit down and create. In fact, I have resisted doing this work all day. This is the 200th day of creating. Today, I said to myself "Why am I doing this?" "Why am I spending 2-5 hours a day creating?" Why am I putting it out there everyday?  To be honest, I have never been one to give up. Sunk cost is clearly my achilles heel. 

Today, I am thinking about what life would be like if I had never started this blog 200 days ago. I'd like to think I am proving this Create & Change hypothesis as a hunk of junk. I'd like to say, nope, it's not working and tell you nothing about me has changed. I'd like to say nothing about me is more remarkable than 200 days ago. I would be flat out lying to you.

This week I sat on the 34 floor overlooking a fantastic cityscape with a brilliant friend and classmate I met in the altMBA. He asked me about Create & Change. He asked if I thought it was working. I paused. That's when I realized if it wasn't for Create & Change, I would never have had the opportunity to sit across from him. I would never have gotten into the altMBA. I would never have met any of my altMBA network. I wouldn't have knowledge about social media, photography, styling, illustration and design that I do today. I wouldn't have created hundreds of illustrations, thousands of photographs or hundreds of thousands of stories. Most importantly, I wouldn't be any closer to making a life full of meaning.  

And that is what Create & Change does. By creating everyday, it makes change less intimidating. Creating everyday is like fiddling with the dials on an old machine. Tinker with the dials and you are bound to find the life worth living.

Today's, project is to tinker with the dials. Go create one thing today that will get you one step closer to your meaningful tomorrow. Don't think too much about what you need to create. The first thing that pops in your head, go do that. Don't hold back. Is it a bike ride? Turn the dial! Is it calling an old friend?Turn the dial! Is it making a loaf of bread. Turn the dial! Is saying sorry? Turn the dial. In short, tinker away. 

See you tomorrow tinker thinkers!