Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Day 226 - Pretzel Time.

Good early morning. It's 5:00 am and I wouldn't normally be up this early. I am trying to drag my half conscious self to a 6:00 am yoga class. It's painful to get up this early. Wouldn't it be amazing to pop out of bed like a magical morning unicorn and fly off into the day with sparkles trailing behind? At my age, I am 100% confident that I will never be a magical morning unicorn. For the record, I'm more of an early morning blind badger. I claw, scratch and break myself right into the morning. 

That's why I am up early because yoga has taught me another way of thinking. Maybe bending might be a better option. Yoga says try easing into the uncomfortable and stretch into the day. This is where we need to crack a good yoga pretzel joke. In fact, here is one for you:

A cracker stomps into a yoga room.
The twisty pretzel says "Hey!, shhhhhh, we are trying to shavasana here."
And the cracker snaps back "Don't get bent out of shape, Salty."

Did I mention, I am terrible at writing jokes? Where is Jim Gaffigan when you need him? 

Let's get back to talking about bending and breaking. Today's project is to create bend in your day. Find things in your day where resistance comes up for you. Try to bend versus break with your ideas and thoughts. For instance, I resisted getting up early this morning. I thought it would break me but here I am bending into the day by writing before I head off to yoga. How about you? Where can you find bend in your day? Is someone work annoying you? Try bending into their ideas. Traffic is terrible and someone just cut you off? Turn up the jam and just bend into that traffic. Do you burn dinner? Perfect, bend into dinner. Go out for ice cream!


I need bend right on over to my yoga class now.  Let me know how your pretzel time goes today. Don't forget to bend and see you tomorrow Salty!

AugustAndra Weberyoga, yet