Andra Weber Creative
Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Day 235 - Morning Sunrise.

Well, good morning sunshine. It's a great day to get up early! Honestly, this seems like a foreign and ridiculous statement. I'm not a earlier riser.  The only time I have been up early enough to see the sunrise was when head to the airport. Today, for some reason, it seems like a great day to haul out of bed and watch that huge, beautiful orange ball of fire rise in the east.

Today's project is simple. Create wonder by getting up with the sun. Grab your notebook and write down what it is like to see the sun rise. The feelings, emotions and sounds that occur with rising with beginning of the day. 

Blurry Early Morning Sunrise Makes Me Tired.

Blurry Early Morning Sunrise Makes Me Tired.

I'm going to slink back to bed now and try to capture a few more minutes of sleep. Maybe I will sleep until sunset. Have a good one and see you later roosters! 

AugustAndra Webernature, yet