Andra Weber Creative
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Create & Change

Week 4 - Is There Any Good News Out There?

As the old saying goes, no news is good news. However lately, it feels like the all the news is bad news. People are at odds, the world is on edge, and all of our celebrity stars are leaving us for good. Our mission today is to dig up some good news. What is going on in the world that we all can agree is providing us freedom from the negative world around us?

Here are five feel-good stories to make today better here in "The Week" magazine. The five include; a great-grandmother graduates from college with 4.0 GPA, puppies found alive 5 days after Italy avalanche31-year-old man welcomes sick 89-year-old neighbor to move in with him, veteran returns dog tags to brother of soldier killed in action, and 11-year-old may be youngest yoga instructor in U.S.

Enjoy the good stuff and see you tomorrow Newsies.





JanuaryAndra Weberyet