Andra Weber Creative
Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Week 1 - Would You Know If You Weren't Being Kind?

Here is today's question. Would you know if you weren't kind? I'm not sure I would. Sure, there are distinct times when our emotion gets the best of us. We all name call, gossip and expand rudeness into the universe. We lash out and do things in our anger that are defined as unkind. However, what about the times when our opposing worldview doesn't align with someone? Do we become unkind in our lack of empathy and understanding? Or are we upholding our values and our worldview? There are times when we stumble upon others who don't share our core values. It's hard to find common ground and things get messy. The question then arises, can we be kind when forced to deal with another's worldview? I have to think about this. 

Something to create thought on today. Until tomorrow great philosophers. 



JanuaryAndra Weberyet