Andra Weber Creative
Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Week 8 - Are you a Creature Of Comfort?

Let's just talk about how much we all like to feel comfortable. Personally, I love a warm bed, stretchy pants, and soft a pillow. I also love to settle into everyday patterns. We find comfort, or at least I do, in keeping things exactly the same way everyday. The daily routines provide a level of emotional support that helps me to get through to tomorrow. However, there are times when the daily routine becomes a crutch for not growing in our lives. 

That's when it's time to explore and set off on an adventure. It's time to put the creature comfort in the closet and take a leap. Maybe it's attempting something that gives us butterflies or traveling to new space? Maybe they are one in the same. Today, I got out of my creature comforts, welcomed the cold and wet. Funny enough I had a wonderful day taking photos in the snow and expanding my little world a bit. It could even be said that I got uncomfortable to get comfortable.

What will you do today to get yourself out of the comfort zone?

Until tomorrow Creatures of Habit.



FebruaryAndra Weberyet