Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

This Is 40. It's Time To Stop Old Patterns.

They have a way of creeping into our lives. Each day we confront them as we push through our day. At times, they can help us filter the world and make our day more efficient. Sometimes they can create wrinkles and bring texture to our lives. To see them, we need to take the time to look carefully, sit still and observe.

We may find by the time we are 40 years-old, some patterns may have worked their way into our lives like wallpaper in a room. They have become so ingrained into who we are we hardly notice their offensive presence. We may not even know how woven these patterns have become and they might even be affecting the way we interact with the world. It's time to stop.

When I was a kid, I was pretty positive and happy. At ten or eleven-years-old, I remember waking up and realizing things weren't as rosy as they were the day before. It was as if my childhood happiness had just vanished in the night. Nothing tragic happened to me other than I suddenly felt the weight of the world on my shoulders. From that day on, I started being cynical about life, especially when the world didn't add up, and things didn't go my way.

Until now, my pattern is to see the cup half empty. I like to tell people I don't see myself as a pessimist but a realist. However, thinking this way is a pattern getting the way of success. Let's stop a pattern and start a new one. Let's empty out our cups today. Only then can we become full.

Until tomorrow friends.

AprilAndra Weberyet