Andra Weber Creative
Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

This Is 40. Stop Beating Yourself Up For Being Brilliant.

It's hard to see it in ourselves. It's the part of us that makes us human and divine. We never think the human part is the brilliant part of us. It's too close to imperfect to be good enough to share. The wrinkles get hidden away with a quick fix. The misspelling and grammar are quickly corrected. The pressed shirt is worn to present our personality as crisp and effortless. Money is thrown at a bigger and better education hoping we will seem worthy and smart. We file toenails and pluck eyebrows. We suck into suits and parade in high heels. There are the self-help books, we read and the diets we attempt. Why are we constantly trying to cover, fix and hide our imperfections? We are all human.

We can't see ourselves for what we have become, and we don't want to let failed expectations become apparent to others. We spend a lot of energy picking the right parts to display to the world. We have convinced ourselves they don't need to be interesting and real. We tell ourselves fitting in is easier than being ourselves. We place more emphasis on impressing than being. However, as humans, we fail a lot, and failure is human. It is the brilliant part of us.

We spend most of our days grooming ourselves to be brilliant. What if being is the part of us that is the most brilliant?

Shine bright friends. Until tomorrow.

MayAndra Weberyet