Andra Weber Creative
Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

This Is Super Saturday. What Will You Create Today?

Saturday is a great day to start somewhere on something that means something to us. Meaningful work brings joy and space in our lives, and Saturday can give us the time to build on what we need. Saturday helps provide a space where we can expand and do the things that make us whole. 

It doesn't matter what kind or work we do or it's perceived value to others. It's our contribution to the world, and it is important. What we create this Saturday can have an everlasting impact on our future which in turn changes the people and space around us.

So let's pick the strawberries, gather our supplies, prep the jars, measure the ingredients, make our jam and start filling our cupboards with our meaningful work.

We undoubtedly will need it for later. There will be a morning when we open our pantry and choose to slather something sweet on our toast. 


Enjoy your Saturday and may we use today to create something satisfying for ourselves and the world around us. It's so important.

Until Tomorrow Friends.

JulyAndra Weberyet