Andra Weber Creative
Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Happiness Lies In This Challenge For You.

What is better? Mental Challenge or Mental Boredom? Sometimes it's hard to decide between the two. It's like seeing the glass half full or half empty. It all depends on other things circling in our lives and where our mind and emotions sit within a day. Mental chaos tends to bring the need for boredom while a quite mind begs for a big challenge. 

In short, knowing what we need is not all black and white.


That's why we have friends.

Last week a friend challenged me to post seven days of black and white photographs on Facebook. As there is always a catch, the photos could not contain humans or explanations. To me, the whole trial seemed like a piece of cake! All I needed to do was snap a few pictures, upload to social media and the week would be complete. 

But then I snapped the first photo.

Confronted with the fact I needed to create seven thrilling images to amuse and interest an audience was unnerving, complicated and thought-provoking. It was a reminder that often things seem simple but are complex.


And therein lies the challenge.

It turns out black and white photos don't always translate into deeply, textured images. Subject matter matters when there is no explanation or context. Lighting and perspective is a key to telling a respectable narrative and comfort zones are an exciting threshold to challenge.

Here are a few images that didn't make the cut:

Looking around at our world and seeing past humans was a fascinating study of life. It begged the question, is happiness is born from filtering our lives in a new way?

Try it and see if happiness follows for you too.

"Seven days. Seven black and white photos of your life. No humans. No explanation. Challenge someone on the last day."

Until tomorrow friends.