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Here is How to Send the Perfect Holiday Greeting.

// Hello, Friends-

This time of year, we look for creative ways to tell loved ones they mean SO much to us. Maybe we scour the internet for the perfect gift or try to find something expensive to show how much we care.

However, the simplest way to communicate our appreciation is almost always through a thoughtful and well-written greeting card. Whether it’s the proverbial family photo or a delightful wintery card like this one, Snowy Evening, these darling tokens of our appreciation make the recipient feel genuinely important and remembered.

When the holiday greeting card sweeps into our mailbox, we can’t help but think of all the good times and great memories we all have throughout the year!

However, sitting down to write cards can be time-consuming and intimidating.

Here are 3 easy steps to create a thoughtful and delightful greeting:

1) First, start with a personal and heartfelt introduction. Check out, “20 Ways To Start Off A Greeting Card.” from Postable. This sets the tone for the rest of the note.

2) Make the message thoughtful and specific. American Greetings has some wonderful and short ways to bring meaning to our message “What To Write In A Christmas Card.” American Greetings also has great examples of non-religious holiday messaging. I especially love “Wishing you whatever jingles your bells!”

3) The sign-off message on a card makes the greeting concrete. Try these “55 Ways To Sign Off On A Greeting Card.”

Well, friends, let’s get writing our messages and more importantly making our friends and family feel special! //