Andra Weber Creative
Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Posts tagged Observation
Day 26 - The Loneliest Number.

Day 26 - Hello. Alone today? Whew. One is hard number. Hear me out. Today, I had to sit with some numbers and it got me to thinking how hard it must be to be a number. Take the number one for example. One is a hard number. It has such pressure to preform, to make things begin. For example, first birthdays, the animosity for 1% and phrases like 1 in a million really cause a stir. One is the start of everything and at times the end everything. However, if you are the number 43,234, you most likely don't get much love. If you are the number 1,000,000 then songs are written about you. Numbers crowd our lives and yet we don't give them thought unless it's tax season, the Powerball or a sale at Nordstroms.

Today's assignment is to notice numbers. Take a look around you. Numbers are everywhere! Be aware how often the certain numbers appear in life. Go A Beautiful Mind intense today. Write the numbers in your LBNB. Take photos of house numbers, keyboard or anything that contains numbers. Why do certain numbers appeal to us? Why do they occur in our lives? What value do they bring to life? This blog post would not occur without binary numbers. Right? Crazy!