Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Posts in April
Day 106 - Wise Guy.

Day 106 - Aloha! Friday is here. For me, the end of this week doesn't feel like a dreamy day in Hawaii. For some reason, today feels more like a hot humid summer day in the midwest. The feeling is kind of oppressive and uncomfortable sorry Chicago. Perhaps it's because this weekend starts an avalanche of doing, making and thinking for the next few weeks for me. In other words, it's about to get crazy around here. When life gets crazy I always look to wise people in my life for advice. Advice makes me think of one person, my dad. 

It doesn't matter if you are the pharmacist behind the counter at the CVS or the an award winning New York Times novelist, my dad has advice for whoever is standing next to him. His advice is usually on point, kinda funny and never requested. With permission, as long as I never publish the list, he has granted me a top 11 to share.

  1. If there is something in the road...don't hit it.
  2. If you try really, really, hard you will probably pull something.
  3. It's not how good you look but how good you look compared to the person next to you.
  4. Reinventing the wheel is not all least it works.
  5. Save the pieces.
  6. Sometimes you have to feed the dog.
  7. You can't out run a bear.
  8. If you base your life on winning and losing, choose your opponent carefully.
  9. Very few people are the voice of reason.
  10. Buying a hot water heater just seems silly.

Number eleven is my favorite. There is nothing like driving a car and with no steering. Thank goodness for horns an thank goodness for wise people.

Today, reach out to someone wise in your life. Ask them for one or eleven bits of advice. Create a list. I read once that when someone gives you advice, it's a story of their lives. We should learn from their stories even if it's unsolicited. Someday we may need that list.

If you have a few moments, it would be great to hear advice that was pass on to you. Go ahead and add comment on today's post. Don't be shy. Looking forward to reading the list tomorrow.

AprilAndra WeberDad, yet
Day 105 - Pie Momma.

Day 105 - Hello. Hello. This post is going to be short and sweet. I just realized I bit off more than I can chew with the altMBA class. I have 9 books to read, 4 new programs to learn, 100 new people to meet and 72 articles to read. These posts may get shorter and shorter in the weeks ahead due to the fact I will be drinking knowledge from a fire hose. However, what is most important today is chatting about pie. 

My mom makes the best pie in the world. No, I'm not biased. Yes, there are a lot of good pies out there in the world. Are they even close to the flakey goodness my mom rolls out? No way. Not even close. My mom's pies are buttery, crisp in all the right ways and ripe with flavor. However, what makes her pie special is her process. Every time she makes a pie, she makes art. 

Today she taught her granddaughter how to make pie. Standing back in the kitchen I watched them both work their magic together. My mom carefully and gently gave my daughter directions on how to mix, roll and cut the crust lovingly. My mom then showed my daughter how to push out the crust using her "north, east, west" process. Their four hands worked the dough and mixed the strawberries together like a beautiful dance. It was a snapshot to be ever held tight. Knowing my daughter was learning something profound with someone who loves her as big as the universe was heart melting.

Today, show someone a special process. They can then learn to create something special in their lives. Spend time showing someone else how to fold an origami crane, make a batch of heirloom cookies or step out the perfected line dance. It doesn't matter the project. It's the people around you and the process that matters.

Ok, I have to hit the books. I'll see you tomorrow and until then I'll leave you with this quote about pie: "If You Wish To Make An Apple Pie From Scratch, You Must First Create The Universe." - Carl Sagan

AprilAndra Weberprocess, yet
Day 104 - Waffle Style.

Day 104 - Hey there. It's Wednesday. We are half way through the week. Whew. It's just a few more days until the weekend. Thinking about the weekend, got me thinking about ice cream. How are ice cream and weekends connected? Not sure but stay with me so we can talk ice cream.

Need A Waffle Cone Maker? Williams-Sonoma Has The  Waffle Cone Express Waffle Cone Maker. It's Works Like A Charm.

Need A Waffle Cone Maker? Williams-Sonoma Has The  Waffle Cone Express Waffle Cone Maker. It's Works Like A Charm.

Ice cream is the perfect food (sorry ballpark nachos.) It's sweet, creamy and chilly. Not to mention, it is sometimes salty, nutty and chocolatey. It makes our brains say, "Let's have nine more scoops!" Has anyone met someone who didn't like ice cream? If there comes a day when I meet an ice cream hater, I am going to be very dubious of this person's character. Let's go down this rabbit hole more and talk ice cream accessories.

What's one accessory that makes ice cream better? Please don't say sprinkles. I'll give you hot fudge but if you say sprinkles we need to talk. No, not chopped nuts. No, not melted caramel. NO, not a cherry. Come on! It's a waffle cone. After Saturday's failed A.C.E. Oops post, I decided to try to whip up a new batch of A.C.E. This time around the A.C.E. was tangy, sweet and a little earthy just like when in Rome. However, what made this cold concoction perfectly blissful was the homemade waffle cone. The recipe used is from "The Perfect Scoop" by  David Lebovitz. The waffle cone was delightfully tasty. So much so, I ate the whole cone right there in the kitchen, without the ice cream.

When something comes into my life as good as this waffle cone, it's existence needs to be proven by a photo, which I happily snapped as I ate more waffle cones between shots of photography.

So, what's today's project? Take a photo of something you love and style it so the feeling translates through the photo. Take a photo of your morning bowl of oatmeal, your kids running at the park or the spring flowers growing by the sidewalk. Let the style and emotion come through the photo. 

Well, I need to bolt and eat more waffle cones. Let me know how your photoshoot goes and see you tomorrow!

AprilAndra Weberrecipes, yet
Day 103 - Feed The Beast.

Day 103 - What's up kids? It's Tuesday and this blog is slowly starting to feel like a monster chained to my ankle. In honor of this, I have decided to call this blog "The Beast." All day long it follows me around, lurking in every corner of my brain, until I sit down to feed it nightly words. It's not satisfied until 5 different social media accounts have their content, it gets a few enthusiastic likes and its grammar has been edited by someone far more brilliant than its creator.

In other words, it's taken on a life of its own and it's a diva.

Coming up with inspiration everyday is sometimes magical and other times miserable. "The Beast" hates it when inspiration isn't immediate. To find inspiration to tame The Beast I am reading "Steal Like An Artist" by Austin Kleon recommended by the altMBA class. It's a great book explaining with cool graphics how no idea is ever original. Even with this inspiring book, I am finding it hard to feed "The Beast."

So, for today's project I am going to turn The Beast over to the few brave souls that follow this blog. What should we create to feed The Beast today? In other words, what will you create to feed The Beast today? What do you want to see next. Let's hear from you.

In the meantime, the diva is waiting for tomorrow's inspiration. See you tomorrow kids.





AprilAndra Weberyet
Day 102 - Just Doodle.

Day 102 - Hey. It's Monday.

This Is How I Feel About Mondays. So Sad The Weekend Is Over.

This Is How I Feel About Mondays. So Sad The Weekend Is Over.

Since it's Monday, let's get down to business right away. Let's make this doodle Monday. Pull out a notebook, a piece of printer paper or a Post-It® note and hit the ground drawing.

Tate Modern Worthy? Nope, But Doodling Is Fun.

Tate Modern Worthy? Nope, But Doodling Is Fun.

Birthday On The Brain.

Birthday On The Brain.

Maybe call a friend and doodle while you chat? Jump on a conference call and start sketching? Tune out the world and throw ink on the paper. When we just doodle, it's amazing what surfaces. That's all I have today. More tomorrow.

Day 101 - Can't, Yet.

Day 101 - Hey everybody! Welcome to Sunday. I hope everyone is getting up late, strolling to brunch and making plans to snooze on the couch. Sunday's are made for kicking back, drinking some brewskis and having a day off. Sunday's are also good for preparing for the week ahead. For me this week is going to be stressful and I have found myself saying the word "can't" a lot today.

Who else hates the word "can't" as much as I do? It's a terrible word. It's negative and self defeating right out of the gate. There is no sugar coating "can't." In most cases, it's pure apathy. It's destruction of hope. For example, let's take a look at the "can't" ideas circling in my head today. Maybe these will sound familiar. 

  • "I burnt the meal. I can't cook."
  • "I forgot to lock the car door. I can't remember anything."
  • "I didn't drop off the UPS packages. I can't get things done."
  • "I wanted to call my friend. I can't be there for anyone."
  • "I bought the wrong frame size. I can't do math."
  • "I tried to karaoke. I can't sing."
  • "I bought ice cream today. I can't eat ice cream"  (Ok. This one is a downright ridiculous lie. Of course I bought ice cream and of course I can eat it. I was just seeing if you were still paying attention.)

Here is the epiphany I had today. Try adding the word "yet" to any sentence containing "can't."  I love the word "yet." It has such hope and promise. The word "yet" is like an over optimistic, cheek pinching Aunt. It's hard not to love her because of her zeal, promise and enthusiasm. Not sold yet? Let's look how "yet" changes the tone of the sentences above.

  • "I burnt the meal. I can't cook, yet."
  • "I forgot to lock the car door. I can't remember anything, yet"
  • "I didn't drop off the UPS packages. I can't get things done, yet."
  • "I wanted to call my friend. I can't be there for anyone, yet."
  • "I bought the wrong frame size. I can't do math, yet."
  • "I tried to karaoke. I can't sing, yet."
  • "I bought ice cream today. I can't eat it all, yet." (See, it even works with this one.)

Pull out your note book and write down three (3) can't sentences that apply to you. Then write down the sentences again and add the word "yet." The word "yet" creates a different feeling right?

Next time I feel myself using "can't", I am going to pull out my secret weapon, "yet." That's all I have today. I'm going to break for a few brewskis and zone out on some boob tube. See you tomorrow everybody.

AprilAndra Weberquote, design, yet
Day 100 - A.C.E. Oops.

Day 100 - Ciao! Saturday is here! I'm going to make this post short and sweet as the project today but let's start with a story.

There was a time I loved to travel the world. I find it's an honor and a privilege to visit a new land, experience a new culture and try new things. It makes life memories and creates new spaces in me. One of my favorite things to try in a new place is food. Not surprising is it?

Such Chiaroscuro!

Such Chiaroscuro!

For some reason one particular trip popped into my head today. It was a trip I took years ago to Italy. It was my last day in Rome with my lover and it was beautiful but a scorchingly hot May day. As we rambled through the ancient cobblestone alleys, I remember bitterly complaining about the heat as sweat poured off us in buckets. Out of nowhere, a heavenly mirage appeared. A gelateria that wasn't in our guide book, the yellow awning waving slowly in the heat, beaconing us inside. As we stepped up to the gelato window, all the beautiful jewel toned rows of gelato sparkled in the sun. "Cinque scoops si prega." I told the bella behind the counter. Although all the gelato flavors were refreshing and heavenly, the one flavor that stood out was A.C.E. or Orange, Carrot, Lemon. It was a tangy, sweet mixture so refreshing it felt like I had stepped into the Emperor Nero's freezer. I still remember that moment. Today I tried to recreate that amazing A.C.E. moment.

Let me confess something. I need to do my research BEFORE starting a blog post. I thought A.C.E. stood for Apple, Carrot, Orange. That's right. I bought the WRONG ingredients and took ALL the photos before I realized that A.C.E. stood for Apple, Carrot, Lemon. Awe man! Oops!

So today's project is to pick a dish that stands out in your mind. One that has been so ingrained you will remember it until the end. Now try to make it without a recipe or any research. Then go look up the recipe. How does it compare? In the meantime, here is the recipe for A.C.O. gelato which was refreshing and healthy but not A.C.E.

A.C.O. Gelato 

I should have washed those carrots. 

I should have washed those carrots. 

Serves 4

  • 1 1/2 cups orange juice
  • 2 cups carrot juice
  • 1/2 cup coconut cream
  • 2 granny smith apples chopped
  • ice cream maker

Step 1: Core & chop the apples and place them in a blender. Add the orange juice, carrot juice and coconut cream. Blend until smooth.

Step 2: Place the A.C.O mixture into the ice cream maker and use the ice cream maker according to the manufacture's directions.

Well, I'm going to go try to make the real A.C.E recipe soon. Let me know how your "recipe" turns out and arrivederci!

Day 99 - altMBA.

Day 99 - Hi Ya! Here's Friday. While, I'd love for all of us to go out for a drink and celebrate the end of one more excellent but exhausting week, I have some reading to do. Today, a big brown heavy box was delivered by a very handsome UPS man. However, the contents were even more handsome. Nine interesting reads, a note from the director of the altMBA workshop Wes Kao and a bag of granola. Kidding. They bag looked like granola which would have been amazing because I love granola but what was inside was even more amazing, inspiring words from Wes herself along with a super cool badge of honor.

Some people have been asking me what is the altMBA? Here's the short on the altMBA. It's an online leadership and management workshop created by bestselling author Seth Godin. The long of it is, it provides levers and gears to make change in the world. It pushes the leaders to do more, be more and think more. It's about creating a ruckus and letting go of fear.

Here is another way to think of it. It's like warbling through the worst karaoke song, dropping the mic and then saying "Let's do that it again." It's running away with the ball and starting a new game. It's getting together with all your good friends for beers, thinking up the next big thing and doing it.

I'm really honored to be a part of this workshop. I'll keep you posted on how I have bitten off more than I can chew. In the meantime, let's talk about today's project.

Go start something that scares you today. Make a new recipe, karaoke your heart out, call that person, start writing a chapter, sketch that idea and just go. Start it now. Start it today.

I've got to run. The granola is calling me and so is some serious reading. Until tomorrow...

AprilAndra WeberaltMBA, yet
Day 98 - Just Relax.

Day 98 - Hey! Who else is having a stress filled week? There are so many things to do and never enough time to do them. Also, my kids are off from school for spring break this week. Before having kids, I imagined spring break would always be like college, one endless party on crowed beach somewhere in Florida.

While the kids and I are having a great time together, it isn't the spring break of my early 20's. It's stressful. Instead of drinking Mike's Hard Lemonade on Miami's South beach, I'm packing lunches, finding swim gear and generally wrangling cats, I mean kids. This is on top of building a business, creating a thoughtful blog post and getting general life needed activities done like shopping for groceries and lawn care. 

Meditation At Work.

Meditation At Work.

It's time for a break. Since there is no time for sipping a cold one on hot sand for a round of relaxation, I decided to try meditation. Also, I hear all the cool kids are doing meditation these days like Jerry Seinfeld and Oprah. So I fired up the smart phone in search for some help from technology. I downloaded a meditation app Headspace to my phone. It has a great looking interface and hippest graphics. The first session only took 10 minutes. It was a lovely 10 minutes. It was like a spring cleaning for my brain. I felt refreshed, renewed and calm.

Meditation At Work.

Meditation At Work.

Today's project is to create a relaxing moment for yourself. Maybe try a meditation practice or simply take a few deep breaths. Carve out space for kindness for yourself today and find some time to just relax.

Check in and let me know how you feel after your chill out session. I'm going to try to dig up a Mike's Hard Lemonade, fold the 8 piles of laundry sitting in my living room and dream of a white sandy beach somewhere. See you tomorrow!

Day 97 - Old Soles.

Day 97 - Hi ya! So, who else thought yesterday's post was a bit of a mess? Clean Beauty? Am I running out of ideas? Gulp. I'd like to blame the messy post on: 1) The death of my DSLR camera. 2) Generating ideas everyday is killing my creative juices and perspective. 3) Waking up with two tiny feet in my face at 4:00am. 4) No donut Tuesday. No matter what the excuse, I need to stop being such a diva. Let's get back to talking about this blog and serious creating.

After yesterday's disappointing post, I needed cleaning therapy. After, picking up all the stray laundry, I headed directly to my closet to weed out old stuff and do a little spring cleaning. As I took a closer look at a high waisted jean skirt that seemed like a good idea three years ago, I looked down at the shoe boxes lining my closet floor.

What is is about shoes? As I opened each box, it occurred to me that each pair has their own time, place, character and job. For example, the cowboy boots I bought 10 years ago always make me feel like kicking dirt and causing a ruckus. The 5" gold, stiletto high heels scream powerful like Beyonce being Beyonce. The Birkenstocks are like a pair of old slippers that are so comfortable they will be forever permanently installed on my feet and be my best friends.

Each of these old soles are diverse, their character is wide and they directly represent some portion of me. Just like each of these blog posts, they all work together to create something bigger. Yes, yesterday's post was a hot mess. It's ok. The point of this blog is no matter how messy, create and change will follow. That's it.  

Today, let's work on being bigger. Write down three things that you want to create today. Draw a box around it. Now draw a bigger box around the smaller box. What will this larger box contain tomorrow? What about the next day? And the next. Let's work together and get bigger.

That's it for today. Gotta get back cleaning! 

AprilAndra Weber
Day 96 - Clean Beauty.

Day 96 - Hey Gorgeous. Good morning. Oh, it's so hard to get out of bed sometimes. We pull the covers over a head and hope the alarm clock will magically disappear. We all need that good old beauty sleep. Is there anyone reading this who wakes up at 4:30 a.m. in the morning, pops out of bed and gives the day a big old bear hug? If so, please know we can never be friends. 

I am not a morning person. Let me be clear, I don't hate the morning. The smell of coffee brewing, the hope for a day yet to come and the promise of any kind of fried pastry makes me giddy. It's being yanked out of bed and the reality of all the tasks that need to be accomplished that makes me hit the snooze button. However there is one thing that gets me out of bed besides a glazed donut, a routine. Specifically, having a beauty routine in place that makes the process of getting out the door faster. 

Laneige. At Target. Trying It.

Laneige. At Target. Trying It.

Boots Botanics. Good Stuff For Cleaning Delicate Skin. Target!

Boots Botanics. Good Stuff For Cleaning Delicate Skin. Target!

While we are chatting about beauty routines and spring cleaning this week, let's talk about clean beauty. Specifically, cleaning the skin on our face. Turns out most of us are doing it wrong, including me. I Googled it and I clearly should have Googled "How to Correctly Wash Your Face" years ago. A big thank you to InStyle magazine for providing "The 5 Steps To Correctly Wash Your Face" .

This brings me to todays project. Create a cleansing morning routine for your face. All this might sound ridiculous, vain or unnecessary but our skin is our largest organ and is the first line of defense against infection. Having a routine in place will make our skin fresh, clean and ready to do it's job. Plus, it might make it easier to get out of the bed in the morning.

Well, I have to get down some scrubbing, toning and moisturizing. Later gorgeous!

AprilAndra Weberbeauty
Day 95 - Spring Cleaning.

Day 95 - Hello Monday. Who's up for greeting Monday with a high five and a smile? Me neither. Monday's and I don't get along. I will give Monday a lack luster pat on the back for being a good day to start a project such as spring cleaning. There is nothing like the feeling of letting go of the old to make room for new. Let's dedicate this Monday and this week to cleaning out and moving on.

Today's project is to start this week off by picking one item to clean on the outside of your dwelling. Maybe it the windows, the garage or killing off those pesky weeds? Create space and make room for new. It's amazing how one small action can, create space add a fresh perspective.

I can't stand weeds in the sidewalk. They drive me crazy like a spec of dust on a camera lens. Today, I mixed up a DIY weed killer which is white vinegar and a few drops of dish soap to kill off those sneaky plants. Sorry weeds. You are outta here!

Well, let me know how the outside tidying up  goes. Tomorrow we will keep cleaning out and moving on. See ya tomorrow!

Day 94 - Fish'n.

Day 94 - Oh! Hi. It's Sunday. It's a good day to go fish'n. When I was a kid, my mom would load the three of us, my sister, brother and me, in the back of a dark blue, rusty Ford pick up truck and head out fishing to my Uncle's pond. It was always a hot, humid summer Sunday. I remember loading up the cooler with snacks, stopping at the bait shop and fighting with my brother over the last Capri Sun.

The sweat would be dripping down our backs as we pulled into the working farm. As we would hop out of the truck, my mom would always say "Watch out for bulls. They might charge at you." I had no idea what her warning meant at the time. I was more excited about touching the electric fence which I had done on numerous occasions because it seemed fun. I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

We would then walk, what seemed miles, to a big green swampy pond. Cows stared on slowly chewing their cud as we set up our supplies in what seemed like mud but might have been manure. My sweet quite mom would suddenly become Babe Winkleman showing us how to cast, reel and not be afraid to put a slimy worm on a hook. They were good hot days, full of sunburns, hooks in my scalp and if we were lucky, the honor of catching a fish. 

When I asked my almost three year old what kind of birthday party he wanted, I was surprised when he said "A fishing party." He's never been fishing, ever. However, it got me to thinking about the old days of tackle boxes and faded catfish memories. I told him I use to fish and my fishing story. He's now even more excited to have his "Go Fish" party.

Which brings me today's project. Pass on a memory today to someone in your life. Call them up and tell them about an adventure you once took, a person you use to know or a time that was interesting. Think about how that will create something special in their lives.

Well, I've got a fishing party to plan. Have a great Sunday and see you tomorrow little fishes!

P.S. If you would like to print your own go fish game, here is a free printable. Go Fish



AprilAndra Weber
Day 93 - Row.

Day 93 - Good morning. Ah! It's Saturday. I hope you all are sitting back, enjoying a late morning cup of joe and slowly savoring a delicious breakfast. I'm going to keep this blog post short and sweet today as it Saturday and who wants to be reading a blog on Saturday morning? Everyone should be out doing something they enjoy like sneaking a chocolate croissant or going to Costco.

Speaking of blogs, I have been doing some thinking about this blog. Yesterday, I had to say goodbye to an old friend. My one and only DSLR Nikon D40x camera. Rest in peace dear friend (Insert dramatic salute here). The camera was 10 years old and it traveled with me to birthday parties, parades and exotic places such as Peru, Illinois. It was a great camera. On Thursday at the peak of blog stress and frustration, the shutter stopped working. At the moment this camera died, I wanted to quit this stink'n blog, throw it away in the trash and go eat a donut.

Creating a blog or anything for that matter can be frustrating and exhausting. The process can sometimes take us in a journey to test ourselves. It's scary because we have to trust that we aren't wasting time, money and energy on something that will never grow. This brings me to today's project.

Today think of a time there was doubt in something you were creating or doing. Decide if the process was worth the time, energy and money. Then write or think what you learned about yourself.

For me, I would quit this blog in a heartbeat if it wasn't teaching me how to bring the best of myself everyday. Something tells me there is something bigger pushing me to keep creating and I just need to keep rowing.

So die another day blog, R.I.P camera and I will see you tomorrow kids. 

AprilAndra Weber