Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Here Is How To Be More Creative Day 4.

In this ever hyper-changing world, things get busy. Chaos can take control. Sometimes we can find great creative ideas in the flurry of life, but most often it takes a moment of pause to make ideas grow. The moments of pure clarity and creative power most often appear when we aren't staring at the thing that needs our attention the most. Great creative work comes when we soften our gray matter.

Who out there hasn't had a light bulb moment in the shower? Or an ah ha flash when driving to work? How about a second of clarity when doing the dishes?

Pausing is powerful, and if we are looking to be more creative, it's important to cultivate our ability to pause. That's where meditation comes in handy. The benefits of meditation include focus, patience, clarity, calmness, insight, and perspective. More can be read here on 99U "What Daily Meditation Can Do For Your Creativity."

There are a ton of great resources to start a meditation habit. One of my personal favorites is the app Headspace. It offers a lovely guide to meditation. If you, however, are looking for a simple option, my beautiful friend Renne Gauthier offers a 10-minute Pause and Reset Meditation practice on her website.

Let's get our creative juices flowing by pushing our pause button today.

Until tomorrow friends.

JuneAndra Weberyet