Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Here Is How To Be More Creative Day 3.

Creative inspiration can come from anywhere. We can be staring directly at a beautiful object or have an experience that moves us, but we don't notice. These moments can include things we see every day. The beat of traffic speeding on the roads, the way the sun drenches a field of wheat or the taste of a perfectly pink ice cream cone. We can feel a fleeting shift inside us, or a murmur from a deep place that speaks up with "Well, that's something interesting and powerful."

The number one question people ask me is where I get my creative ideas. My response is "Right in front of me." It's been a long road to understanding that creativity doesn't mean a grand idea. I use to waste time searching for the perfect thing to make or do. I have spent years procrastinating and lost my youth wondering on perfect. Because I was unable to turn on and turn out perfect ideas, I didn't take action on what could have brought me meaning. Even today, I struggled to bring this post to life because I fell into the trap of perfect. I searched all day for the creative enlightenment that would transform words into a perfect story.

I'm here to tell you perfect doesn't exist. 

Trying to create the perfect recipe, short story, business idea or set of skills is as beneficial as searching for a Yeti. We will be out in the cold for a long time looking under every twig branch and rock only to find the search for the perfect creative muse is the story right in front of us.

Until tomorrow Creative Observationalists.

JuneAndra Weberyet