Design & Creative Development

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This Is Gratitude Day 9: Coming Out Of The Woods Is Hard.


We get stuck in the negative chatter that resides in our heads. The talk can chip away at us from the inside. Like kindling on a forest floor, these thoughts will slowly build and layer over time. Once the conditions are right, a lighting strike can burn our dreams until they are smoky black dust. The grove of hope built over our lifetime can seem like forgotten ash.

Until you realize, there are always Titians.


They live life large, full and wide. Their years of continual growth contain stories layered over hundreds of thousands of hours. Even in the harshest conditions, they bend and sway to their purpose. They can magically grow tall even after a blazing forest fire. Their bark, black, and chard from the fire will remain for hundreds of years. They are strong, they are epic, and they teach us we can be Titans if we just keep growing.

With gratitude and until tomorrow Titan Trees.

JuneAndra Weberyet