Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Here Is How To Be More Creative Day 2.

Great ideas are born from simple things. We often think the more complicated the idea, the more involved the endeavor, the more payoff we will feel in the end. Our brains tend to think big and expansive on great ideas, and before we know it, the idea seems too big to tackle. It seems intimidating and unachievable. We put the idea for our book, our new business venture or the idea that will bring meaningful work into our lives away. We tell ourselves there will be another time to take on a project of that magnitude.

Nope. Not today. Today we go.

The best time to start is now, and the best thing we can do is grab a Post-it® note.

Let's write down one action word that pertains to a specific goal on a Post-it® note. Place the note in a visually prominent location for seven days. Find a place where we can see the Post-It® note several times a day. 

Every day for seven days take action and create a mini step to reaching and creating the meaningful work in our lives. 

It will set us on a path called success.

Until tomorrow Sticky Ideas.

JuneAndra Weberyet