Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Day 364 - Who Needs To Make Bread In A Bag?


Hello, friends. Are we all still in holiday go, go, go mode? Or have we hit the wall and don't want to get out of bed? I'm more in the latter camp and want to stay under the covers. Therefore, let's do an easy project today. First, I swear this isn't a food blog. Maybe it's the holidays or perhaps the gray, cold weather has left me hungry. Whatever the reason, food sounds like a good way of getting creative this week.

Bread is something I have always wanted to create well. Who else loves a warm slice of homemade bread with a pat of salty, oozy butter? Having a slice straight from the oven is one of the great pleasures of life. However, whipping up a loaf of bread seems complicated and daunting. There is yeast, rolling, kneading and rising. Throw in that my favorite type of bread is Challah bread, which is a braided, eggy loaf and making bread seems downright impossible.

However, I have located an easy Challah recipe that requires a plastic bag and a little patience. For today's project, let's create a loaf of easy Challah bread. For all the traditionalists out there that recoil at the fact this bread rises in a bag, it is a bit concerning. However, the plastic pouch made for an easy way for a novice to try their hand at bread making. You can find the recipe here at "The Lazy Cook's Challah In A Bag Is So Easy & Delicious." There is even a video to get the amateur cook started on this delicious bread making escapade. It was truly and a comfortable experience and ended with a delightful loaf of bread that filled my house with the scent of warm, buttery goodness. 

Well, let me know how your Challah bread rises and if you make it out from under the covers. I have a delightful loaf of bread to butter up. See you tomorrow lazy bakers!

DecemberAndra Weberyet, food