Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Who Needs The Next Great Adventure? Try Failure.


It's been a while. We haven't talked in a few weeks. It is, however, vital to talk about how perfection shouldn't be a part of a plan. We are going to miss a few days, take the wrong job, make some crappy art, say a stupid thing at the right time, walk away when we should have stood our ground and given up when giving in to being ourselves would have been very wise. We are going to tumble, fall, run off the road and lose control of it all. We might find ourselves lost in the middle of failure and hope for the map that marks an x for the destination called perfection.

However, where is the adventure in perfection? 

It's nowhere. It's failure that marks the spot and is the buried treasure that will build a better tomorrow.


So, let's celebrate the wrong turns, stomach churns and getting lost in all that failure provides. Let's keep creating stuff, failing a bunch and see what kind of adventure is around the corner.

Until tomorrow friends.

NovemberAndra Weberyet