Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Why Are We In Such A Hurry For Quick Magic?


Day 4 Of Finding Empathy

We are always running; our brains always turned on. We require a connection at every minute. We become attached to the moment of now. We need to know what's going on with everyone, everywhere and at all times. As we take in this modern world, it can seem as if everyone else in this world has life figured out. They know the silver bullet, wonder drug or quick magic needed to make life the best it can be.

It can start to feel like we are behind the times, caught in a web of immediacy. We might start to ask ourselves if everything we do is wrong. We beat ourselves up as the world around us screams move faster, be more and do more!.

And the wheel of "You are not enough" just keeps spinning.


We forget that finding empathy in ourselves is crucial to our wellbeing. Finding space and time to soak in what's essential around takes "Wellpower" or the power to make ourselves whole. Wellpower gives us the time to stop the chatter of quick magic and create space to find empathy for ourselves.

Until soon friends.

MarchAndra Weberyet