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The 5 Affordable & Free Things To Do This Summer That Will Make You Happy.

Summer is here folks! Let's find ourselves ready for sweaty seat weather, lazy days, backyard BBQs, long car rides, sprinkler dashes, and watching the light fade slowly over the west. Summer brings many opportunities to make great moments in our lives. However, the pressure to spend this time of year can make us feel like there is nothing we can afford to do but watch paint dry. The good news is summer brings a lot of free and affordable opportunities that make memories on minimal dollars and create endless summer fun.

1. Pick Farmville.

Imagine picking ripe, juicy berries, as birds chirp and the sun tans our bare shoulders. Just the thought of placing a tender, sweet strawberry or cherry on our lips can bring on blissful pleasure. Find a local farm, take a friend or take the whole family. Everyone will have bellies full of juicy, delightful, fruit as well as effervescent giggles that will last the entire summer through.


2. Born To Ride.

A bike isn't just a mode of transportation or a faded tool from our childhood. A bike provides a summertime freedom that parallels none else. We can enjoy the wind on our face and the warm summer sun on our legs as we cruise to the corner grocery or down the bumpy boardwalk. Dust off the rusty 10-speed, adjust the banana seat and let's pump our breaks right into summer.


3. Ice Scream! 

When is there time to make something extra special in the kitchen? Summertime! When I was a kid, I still remember the day when my grandpa made homemade vanilla ice cream. The whole process was magical from the rock salt to the machine. Pair a homemade treat with a once-a-year fruit, like rhubarb, and the memories of this summer will stay with us for years in the future. Try this recipe for "Rhubarb Sorbet" from Epicurious.


4. Prepare Wishes.

When we were little, we most likely wished on a star, caught a firefly, or puffed a dandelion to send hope out into the world. There is something about a summertime ask that can bring delight to the soul and enchantment in the air. Let's get wishing.


5. Get Paddling.

Most of us are not sailors, but when summer arrives, it's time to tap into our maritime moment. What is it about a boat in the summertime? It's like the mermaids of the universe are calling us to set sail. Grab a friend, rent a canoe, locate a waterway and spend the afternoon watching the sunlight dance over the water. Summer will never feel so splendid. 


Let's give a big cheer to summer. Drop me a line and tell me what is on your list to make summer endless!

Until soon friends.

MayAndra Weber