Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Happy New Year! Let's Make This Year 3 Million Dollar Good.


Friends, Happy New Year!

It’s been few weeks since we have talked creative projects. The holidays gifted me with a few weeks of downtime as I was knocked out with a nasty virus and the bug was so grim even the Grinch would have had some heart. Now that 2019 is just getting started, I am back on my feet, feeling great, and ready to send you gobs of creative projects to make this a Bluefin Tuna year.

Yes, Bluefin Tuna.


As I was struggling to get better, I scrolled through news outlets and stumbled upon this article in the New York Times: “Japan’s ‘King of Tuna’ Pays Record $3 Million for Bluefin at New Tokyo Fish Market.” Yesterday, I had a conversation with a friend about making big life decisions in 2019. We were chatting about if micro goals are better than macro goals.

Me: “Do we want to be catfish?”

Friend: “Catfish?”

Me: “Or do we want to be Bluefin Tuna?”


There is nothing wrong with being a catfish. However, it isn’t rare in it’s talents, command attention, or bring a price of 3 million dollars at auction.


So, let’s make this our year and 3 million dollars good.

Until tomorrow friends!

Andra Weberyet, today, quotes