Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Create Everyday: Unlock Your Creative Magic Now!

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// hello, friends -

I have been thinking a lot about us lately.

How many of us tell ourselves this story?:

"I am not creative."

How many of us are feeling deeply frustrated in our work because we have hit a roadblock and said?:

“I don’t know what to do next.”

Who has a secret, meaningful project tucked inside a desk drawer waiting to be born but has said?:

“I’m not good enough.”

Well, I have some secret sauce, fairy dust, and a magic wand that will help YOU unlock YOUR creative magic!

It’s a creative Skillshare class {affiliate link} developed just for YOU and it’s called “Create Everyday: How To Unlock Your Creative Magic Now.” {affiliate link} Stuffed with quirky, short, 3-min daily projects that will:

* Give specific tips and tools to unlock your creative potential no matter your background or profession.

* Get your creative juices flowing by providing short, realistic exercises to help you develop a creative habit.

* Provide a new way of thinking that will potentially ignite meaningful, creative "Ah Ha!" moments that will offer different ways of thinking about a project, business or life!

Did I mention it’s SUPER DUPER fun?

So, Iet’s dust off our mystical crystal ball and ask it a BIG important question…

And sign up to do some learning on Skillshare, and Create Everyday To Unlock Our Creative Magic Now! {affiliate link}

Just click the button below to sign up for Skillshare classes. The first 2 months are FREE for new members.

Drop me an e-mail and let me know how the learning is going.

Until tomorrow magical creative scholars! //