Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Day 156 - Balloon Animal.

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Day 156 - Hello Saturday! Who rolled out of bed this morning to greet Saturday with a big "Hey there?" Me! I love Saturdays. Anything is possible on a Saturday and often times I reserve Saturday for fun. When I think of fun, I think of birthday parties. When I think of birthday parties, I often think of balloon animals and well, clowns. For the sake of keeping Saturday fun, I'm going to leave clowns out of this conversation. No offense to clowns but they give me the shakes. Ok, back to the balloon animals. There is something magical and creative about a balloon animal. It's a simple balloon but it's more. It's a sculpture waiting in the imagination.

I'm not the first person to ever think balloon animals are something interesting. Check out famous artist Jeff Koons and his balloon inspired sculptures for more inspiration.

Today's project is to create a balloon animal. Go with a simple dog or sculpt something from your creative brain. You can find a balloon animal kit on Amazon {affiliate link} or Daiso Japan. However you just need the balloon animal balloons {affiliate link} and a hand pump. I used a exercise ball pump to inflate my balloon animals. Here is a great quick video tutorial to get you started: How to Make a Balloon Dog.



I need to stop clowning around and get back to twisting up more balloon sculptures to enjoy my Saturday. Have fun today and see you tomorrow!