Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

How to Keep The Happy Creative Juices Flowing.


Finding time to be creative can be challenging. Between a hectic daily commute, crazy kid drop-offs, client meetings, social media checks, meal preparation, homework pauses, and general daily duties of trying to stay alive, who has time to be creative?

We do.

Yes, we do!

Sometimes, I forget that being creative can expand our minds and add a sense of happiness and well being to our day. Take today as an example; I am in such a rush. However, I pushed pause for just 3 minutes and did this exercise. Try it and let me know if it gets your creative juices flowing.

The 3 Minute Drawing

Grab an object. Anything interesting will do. I picked an apple.

Now select a piece of paper, scrap paper or a sticky note.

Find a pen, crayon or any writing tool.

Now, start drawing the object’s outline in one continuous line while you study the object intently. Don’t pick up the pen! Just keep drawing until the whole object appears.


Stand back, look at your drawing, and giggle a bit. Are our creative juices are flowing?


Until tomorrow friends.

SeptemberAndra Webertoday, yet