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Posts tagged Books
Day 315 - Why You Should Create Like A Kid This Holiday.

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Season's Greetings to all teachers, parents, educators, penguin lovers and everyone who is a kid at heart! An amazing new book launches today called STEAM Kids Christmas and it is bursting at the binding with great ways to learn and create fun throughout the holiday season. For everyone out there who is saying "What is STEAM?", it's an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math. If there are questions why STEAM is important, check out this post from last week: "How To Use Candy To Expand Your Grey Matter." In short, STEAM is about giving kids tools to create and experience learning like a kid.

If You Live in the European Union, Click Here to Get Your Copy Today

Let's get back to the book. It's pages contain 25 days of STEAM projects that will generate holiday fun for kids and adults. Ever have those boring holiday downtimes? This book contains so many interesting learning projects, there won't be time to be hear the dreaded "I'm bored!" In addition to 25 days of projects, there are STEAM challenge cards, project shopping lists, and cool coloring pages. There is even a super fun Penguin Pop Advent Activity which was created by yours truly! Check out how these penguins can turn a boring moment into an ultimate snowball fight in seconds. 

The book was written by a group of amazing bloggers who together are on a mission to get kids to learn through the STEAM experience.

This book is the ultimate way to create, learn, and celebrate through the holiday season. Plus for the first week only, buy the STEAM Kids Christmas eBook or printed book, and you'll get the STEAM Kids Coloring eBook too. This coloring book offers some fantastic activities that offer adults time to bond with all the children in your life.

Are you an Aunt? The kids are going to remember when you Tinkered With Trees together. Are you an Uncle? You are going be the best, most favorite Uncle when you show up with everything needed for the Disappearing Candy Canes project and the STEAM Kids Christmas coloring book. Is it too hard to shop for cousins? Your Aunt will thank you when her kids open these books and she sees her kids create cool STEAM projects while she catches a few moments of peace. Are you a Mom and need a few minutes of free time to make sure the turkey is ready for the big feast? Have the whole family make a 25 days of penguins and an advent calendar is ready to go!

Today's project is go create something from this book. There is both a hard copy and an eBook available. Give the gift that keeps on giving and watch minds grow. Click below and buy STEAM Kids Christmas and discover why creating like a kid is so much fun!

Day 265 - The Old Of It.

Oh, it's Tuesday and honestly who here is feeling particularly creative today? No, me neither. Sometimes our creative energy get's tapped out. This is when we need to look to others to find our way to the future.

Someone asked me yesterday the following "If you had to carry one book around for the rest of your life, it would be _______, because ________." This seems like an unfair question. How do you pick? It's like trying to pick a favorite pet. They were all loved in a special way and all are uniquely important.

At first, the question stumped me. I used my mind rolodex to review all the books read in my lifetime. None of the books seemed worthy to be placed in a category of timeless, classic and perfect. Next, I perused my desk where book spines are lined up one by one like balancing dominos. They all churned up ancient feelings and memories. Each were old friends that marked a time and space that no longer exists.

There were the travel books collected for adventuring and exploring to far flung countries. Art history books that brought back memories of studying art in dusty halls, the musty scent still memorable. There were cookbooks full of hopeful experiences and splattered pages of failed experiments. There were the long string of business books filled with gurus that seemed to know the path. The design books that solidified the notion design can solve problems and bring change to the world.

There, however was one book at the bottom of the pile, in the back of the garage, in a box that I have carried around with me for most of my life.

My dad came home one day from work, it might have been the summertime. The days were long living on the end of nowhere. I read a lot in my bedroom, lying next to the air condition grate as the summer heat beat outside. I was nine or ten years old. He handed me a book. It had a crunchy brown paper cover with serious looking type. I was use to fluffy books such as "The Adventures In Babysitting", so this book looked grown up. My dad convinced me I'd like it even though the cover seemed dry and stuffy. He was right. 

To answer the above question, "If I had to carry one book around for the rest of my life, it would be "The Thurber Carnival" by James Thurber because it taught me creativity has no limits. I pulled out the book today and flipped through the pages. Opening this book stopped me from wondering why I have kept this book through every move and transition. Cracking open the book, I was reminded that Thurber wasn't just a writer. He drew cartoons as well. I still giggled even today at those cartoons. They are timeless, creative and the old of it is, they are perfect. 

Now for today's project. Take the question above "If you had to carry one book around for the rest of your life, it would be _______, because ________."  and create a story why a certain book is important to you. Pull out that book. Take a peek and then place it somewhere in a place of honor.

Until tomorrow.

SeptemberAndra WeberBooks, yet
Day 161 - Hello Summer.

Day 161 - Yes. Hello. It's almost summer and I was thinking about what summer means today. It's a time for kicking back, relaxing and taking life in. It's a time to enjoy the sweet things in life like reading a great book. The idea of reading and summer has inspired today's project. I don't know how many of you still read books versus an e-reader but I love to crack open a good hard copy novel. There is just something about the feel of the pages and the smell of the ink. It screams summertime. What is the best accessory for a book? A bookmark. I have lots bookmarks. They have been collected throughout the years and bring back amazing memories of places been and joys shared. 

Today's project is to create a summer themed book mark for yourself and one for a friend. You can find a blank template here: Blank Bookmark Template. Once your summer design is complete just cut, fold and glue the two sides together. Maybe make a hole and add a piece of twine. Then tuck it into your summer reading and give the other to your friend. Summer wouldn't be complete without a good book, good bookmark and a good friend.

If you find yourself short on time, I have designed a few summer bookmarks for you. You can download the PDF file here: Summer Bookmark Free Printables: Designs 1-2 & 3-4

Well, I better get back to my reading list. Have fun creating a great summer bookmark design and see you tomorrow, hopefully at the beach!

Day 117 - Fight Resistance.

Day 117 - Hey there. It's Tuesday and I am thinking again. The old grey matter is spinning. There is a book I am reading for the altMBA class called "The War On Art" by Steven Pressfield. Nope it's not about organizing a big bunch of tourists to storm the Louve, armed with camera's to photo bomb the Mona Lisa. It's about 'resistance.' 'Resistance' stops you from doing your work. As I typed this blog post, I just checked my phone to see if I received and likes on today's post on Instagram. That's 'resistance.' In about five minutes, I'll need to go brush my teeth for the third time. That's 'resistance.' I'm now sitting here contemplating getting up to get a drink of water. That's 'resistance.' It's the enemy and the only way to defeat the enemy is to do the work. 'Resistance' will do anything so full potential isn't reached.

Today's project is to do your work and notice how many times 'resistance' comes up for you. Create a list of the amount of times 'resistance' takes over. I'm at 29 times and the day has just begun. Imagine what it would be like if we just did the work and didn't let 'resistance' stop us? This is mind boggling. 

Now you know why my head hurts. I think I need to go brush my teeth again. Let me know how the list goes and until tomorrow!

AprilAndra WeberBooks, yet
Day 107 - Steal Like An Artist.

Day 107 - Hey Saturday! Who's up and ready to tackle Saturday? I'm working on my altMBA reading list today and trying to stuff my face with knowledge like Joey Chestnut at a hot dog eating contest. Maybe if I dipped my books in water first the knowledge would sink in faster.

It just feels like I can not jam enough into my brain. In other words, this altMBA program is really kicking my brain around in a an amazing way. Book one of nine is now checked off the list which was "Steal Like An Artist" by Austin Kleon. One of the assignments is to write a book report about a book we really love. A book report? I haven't written a book report since the 6th grade but "Steal Like An Artist" is a book that brings so much meaning and direction in the 140 pages, everyone should read it. Everyone. So let's talk about this book report.

First, the book design for "Steal Like An Artist" is on point, simply complicated and provides a true emotional connection with the reader. Second, the key points in the book provide an index of how to let go of internal expectations and practical steps to meet goals. For example, "Nothing Is Original" Kleon talks about "Every new idea is just a mash up of of one or more previous ideas." In other words, don't think a new idea needs to be present to provide something of value. 

Today's project is to create a two book reading list. Give the list a title and give it a date for completion. For example : "Not Afraid" due 5/15. Pick a two books that stretch you and that you might use as a mash up of ideas.

I can't remember who said the quote but "Good artists never reveal their sources." Let's all live like an artist for today and everyday. See you tomorrow!

AprilAndra WeberBooks, yet
Day 30 - The Creative Habit.

Day 30 - Is this thing on? Tap. Tap. Tap the mic. Have you ever felt alone? As if no one is listening? Have you ever been in the middle of a project at work, home or school and thought, "Why am I doing this?" "Does anyone care?" "Am I doing this for nothing?" Yep, that is self-doubt creeping in like red wine on a cream carpet. It makes us panic. 

In these times of doubt, we need to look to others who have beaten down the path and created in spite of doubt. Take Twyla Tharp. A dancer, choreographer and creative leader who has written and lived the life of creating. "The Creative Habit - Learn It And Use It for Life" (affiliate link) is a  must read book for anyone looking to develop a creative process. This idea can be applied and transform the way you approach any project from school, home or work. "The Creative Habit" tells us that creating the life we want is a process. It requires dedication, practice and above all habit. Now, for today's assignment. Think about someone in your life that has defied the status quo and created. Write down their name and write about their habits in your LBNB. Then acquire this book. Happy thinking & reading!