Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Posts in March
Week 10 - Why We All Should Hate A Time Change.

It happened last night at 2 o'clock in the morning here in California. The dreaded time change. We sprung forward. Most of us will relish in the additional hour of sunlight. I for one hate the time shift into the spring season.

We are forced to move our biological rhythms, so they align with human fabricated time. With this change, it seems like we are asking for trouble. With the time altered, we are required to eat later and get up earlier. Our kids resist going to bed and rising in the morning on time. We spend a whole week trying to get back on track. In fact, studies show weird things happen during daylight savings time. Read about them here on Live Science "5 Weird Effects of Daylight Savings."  Some of the strange happenings include an increase in heart attacks and a possible uptick in car accidents.  

I'm going to get up on my soapbox and say forget the time change! It creates a whole week of mixed up madness in modern day life. 

Altering time is for the birds. Let's create a stand, protest spring forward and go back to bed.

Until tomorrow Early Risers. 

MarchAndra Weberyet
Week 10 - It's Time To Stop And Paint The Flowers Today.

It's a beautiful day here in California. The sun is out. The weather is warm. Spring has sprung. Most of the country might still be in the depths of winter. Maybe some of have snow on the ground, or the cold winter winds are cruelly blowing back the inviting days of spring. When I lived in the midwest, March was the hardest month. We would get through February and expect March would bring a tide of snowdrops and crocuses. March always failed to deliver even when the Punxsutawney Phil predicted the winter's end. It was heartbreaking to battle through the snow, ice, and bitter wind only for March to offer nothing different and a big indifferent shoulder shrug.

It was March that always put me over the edge. The sadness would take over like a dark cloud rumbling in from the west. After years of March blues, I moved west to California, and here I am today looking out on a perfect spring day. With piles of work on my desk to last me weeks and anxiety building, I took a break today to step inside and take in the flowers blooming. It didn't seem right to step outside and take a break. It seemed like I was wasting precious time but I enjoyed the moment.

When did enjoying our lives, and stopping to take in the beauty around us become a waste of time? It took me years to get here to California and many hard winters to provide this moment. It was about time we enjoy it, take it in and perhaps even memorialize the moment on paper.

For all still living in the depths of winter, the painting of the flowers is for you. For all of us who can get outside today and take in the beauty of spring, go and enjoy.

Until tomorrow, Winter Blues and Spring Hues.

MarchAndra Weberyet
Week 10 - How A 5 Minute Project Can Make You More Creative.

It always seems like in modern society we are rushing, going and checking. It never seems as if there is time to pause and start a project that has been percolating in the old gray matter. It, however, is an excuse. I for one am a guilty party to making excuses. I love to push off projects that would bring meaning to my life. Today, I said forget excuses and carved out 5 minutes.

Don't get me wrong, today is a busy day. There are obligations to keep, small humans in which to attend to and work to be done. However, I am timing myself on this post. I'm only giving myself 5 minutes to design, write, spell check and ship this project out in the world. I have a feeling by making a limitation or a beautiful constraint; it will make the rest of my day more creative. 

Stay tuned.

How about you? What project can you start with 5 minutes?

Until tomorrow Speedy!



MarchAndra Weberyet
Week 10 - Make Time To Go With The Flow. It Is Important.

We all can find ourselves stubborn and set in our ways at times. It can be anything from our morning routine to the way we tie our shoes. However, life has a funny way of messing things up like a mischevious Aunt that likes to ruffle and tousle our hair. Personally, I love to find a routine and cling to the reliability of its foundation. When life throws me curve balls, I can get mad, frustrated and downright grumpy. I want things to go a certain way, and I am not going to let anything get in the way of my expectations! Well, that's what I tell myself.

At these times it's important to take a break, step back and just go with the flow. No matter what we are doing in life, something is about to get messy, and something is about to stir up predictability. The sooner we realize we are fighting ourselves when it comes to the change life throws our way, the sooner we can step back. We can give into the importance and magic of going with the flow.

I'm going to try to go with the flow today and see if it brings a certain joy my life. What about you?

Until tomorrow Move Like Water.

MarchAndra Weberyet
Week 10 - Why Giving a V.I.P. In Your Life A Hug Will Make The Day Super.

This post contains an affiliate link.

It is hard to find time to do everything in our lives. There are meals to be cooked, work to be managed and sleep to be slumbered. We can get wrapped up in the everyday mumbo jumbo and forget to say thank you. Specifically, we don't tell others they are the V.I.P. in our one act plays. The V.I.P. status is dedicated to people that go out of their way to make our life better. They put their time on the line, go out of their way and show up when the chips are down. What happens when we pause and reflect on the people who make our lives super? Are we are happier too? 

I have been reading, "The Book Of Joy: Lasting Happiness In A Changing World." {affiliate link} written by his Holiness the Dalai Lama, the Archbishop Desmond Tutu, and Douglas Carlton Abrams. I'm only one hundred and fifty pages into the book. However, as I dive deeper and deeper into the perspective of these two spiritual leaders, it has focused on the idea if we help others find happiness, we find joy. It's a win-win for everyone. 

Today, I am going to take some time out to tell a V.I.P. in my life thank you with a hug. They bring joy to our lives and in turn, we can bring happiness to theirs. How about you? How can you bring happiness to a V.I.P. in your life today?

Until tomorrow Friends.

MarchAndra Weberyet
Week 9 - Lucky For You There Is Cake In Your Future.

I love cake. I love to make cakes. I love how it celebrates special moments in life. Cupcakes don't send the same message as a cake. Cake, is love wrapped up in a house built to bring the mind and body joy. I, however, can never make a cake to look beautiful. I'm not self-deprecating. I am just bad at making a pile of flour, eggs, and sugar look darling. I've taken cake decorating classes. Every year I bake my kids their birthday cakes to practice the cake arts but each time my creations look more like unicorn poop than a layered plate of happiness. I've been telling myself it's because I make everything from scratch, but the bottom line is I'm not very good at making cakes look amazing.

Today, I took the cake decorating head on. I started with a pre-packaged cake mix to dispell the myth that I can't decorate like a diva. Let's see if taking a bit of time to do research, whipping up a bowl of frosting, and giving it an old college try will make a difference. Sometimes we have to try again and again to make headway on our dreams.

Here is the result of about three hours worth of work:


That's pretty good, but the photo only shows the front. The back is missing most of the frosting and the marshmallows. It just goes to show, when we put some elbow grease into a project it still can turn out mediocre. However, it's important to keep going and find time to work on things in our lives that are important to us.

What are you working on? Drop me an email.

Now, let us eat cake!

Until tomorrow!

MarchAndra Weberyet
Week 9 - Why People Should Find Unique Meaning In A Work-In-Progress.

Why are we always focused on a final product? We strive to sell our start-up, want the perfect beach body and look to growing small humans into adults. In short, we often find ourselves focused on the end game. However, the learning, growth and interesting part are in the process. It's the marrow of our lives. We are constant work-in-progresses. Shouldn't we be celebrating the middle, not the end? 

When I was a kid and lived in the country, it was lonely. There were no neighborhood kids to get in trouble with and little to do. In the spring time, I would go outside and lie down in the grass. I would spend the afternoon dreaming up shapes in the clouds and picking bouquets of wild violets. I'd examine at each tiny petal. Until this day, when I see the little purple flowers, memories of my childhood and a particular time in my life surface. It was a time focused less on producing an end product but celebrated the happiness of the middle.

In the spirit of the middle, do something today that is incomplete and bathe in the joy of the unfinished. Take a moment to celebrate the work-in-progress and find joy in the things undone. 

Pick violets today.

Until tomorrow.




MarchAndra Weberyet
Week 9 - Why Saying "Who Cares?" Is Very Important.

Sometimes we worry about the strangest things. For example, what other people think of us or the scent of air freshener for our car. Neither makes a bit of difference in the grand scheme of the universe. When it comes right down to it, most things don't matter.

I specifically get into a nasty habit of worrying about what other people think of me as a parent. It's exhausting and a waste of energy. Last night, I found myself comparing myself to other working parents. My process of reflection is directly tied to the fact that being a parent is emotionally taxing, exhausting and joyful all at the same time. It doesn't matter how hard we work at being parents; it can seem like other parents have it all. These parents appear to be superhuman. They have super careers, mega perfect homes, always feed their kids low sugar organic foods and have children who listen and line up like the von Trapp family. It makes me doubt my abilities in being human and a parent. That's when I say to myself: "Does it matter if I appear to be superhuman?" "I'm not supermom, and I don't claim to be one." So, "Who cares?!" In the spirit of "Who cares!?" I whipped up some homemade granola bars that are full of sugar, are not organic and will rot just about anyone's insides 

If you are a parent and feeling a little less than superhuman, try these "Who Cares!? Granola Bars." They are sweeter than a honey hive, more chocolatey than Willy Wonka and are sure to remind us that saying "Who Cares!?" is a crucial part to busting that superhuman parenting myth.

"Who Cares!" Granola Bars

  • 1 cup sun butter
  • 2 cups old fashioned oats
  • 1 cup coconut chips
  • 1 cup chocolate cereal
  • 6 oz dark chocolate chips
  • 6 oz white chocolate chips
  • 3/4 cup honey
  • 1 cup freeze dried raspberries
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt

Step 1: Preheat the oven to 300 degrees. Line a 8" x 8" baking pan with parchment. Place all the Ingredients in a large bowl and stir until combined.


Step 2: Press the mixture into the bottom of the pan. Bake for 8-10 minutes. Let cool and place in the freezer for an hour. Cut into squares and store in an airtight container in the freezer.


Until tomorrow Shoulder Shrugs.

MarchAndra Weberyet
Week 9 - This Is Why Everyone Should Get Up And Love To Dance Today.

It's the middle of the week. Monday is just behind us but the weekend is too far away. Let's face it. Wednesday can bring a lack of excitement, low-thrills, and drop in dopamine to the good old frontal lobe. Perhaps we are feeling a bit down on our luck or unenthusiastic about life today?

Here is one solution to our Wednesday woes, get up and dance. Some may question our sanity. However, studies show the getting the body shaking and strutting the stuff pumps up the serotonin making our mind and body feel good.  Read more about how dancing helps the brain on Harvard Mahoney Science Neuroscience Institute website and the article "Dancing and the Brain."

Now turn up the tunes and get the bod moving.

See you tomorrow Booty Shaking Brainiacs.

MarchAndra Weberyet
Day 91 - Swim Upstream.

This post contains affiliate links.

Day 91 - Hey. What's up? Oh, thank goodness it's Thursday. You know it's been a "swim upstream" week when Thursday feels like Friday. While last week was a week of failures, this week feels like everything needs a push forward. Pushing forward includes the project I started 3 days ago which took three days longer to create than planned.

An Old Crappy Box.

An Old Crappy Box.

As I mentioned a few posts back, we are getting ready to throw a birthday bash in a few weeks. The project mentioned above that needed a good, long push was a piñata for the "Go Fish" theme party. Making the piñata in itself is a "swim upstream" project. The process seems pretty fun but after a few days of tissue paper and glue, things started to look like a bunch of sticky chickens and the contents of a UPS truck just rolled around my work space. When things started to look a little crazy, I looked up the cost of a number piñata {affiliate} on Amazon. A nice piñata can be purchased for $15.99. So, it seems downright crazy to even attempt to create one's own piñata. 

Things Are About To Get Crazy.

Things Are About To Get Crazy.

However, driving myself crazy with cardboard is my speciality. Over the years, I have create an array of cardboard projects that included a cabinet shaped like Monet's water lilies that had to hold 200 pounds, a mostly recycled kids play oven and a life sized gingerbread house that could be personally decorated. Making each project out of cardboard was fun, economical and made me learn things about myself, like don't use a box cutter at 3:00 in the morning. Enough of me yammering on. Let's get to today's project.

This Is Crazy. 

This Is Crazy. 

Todays, project is to make something out of a old cardboard box for someone else. Grab a box and think of the possibilities! Maybe it's a tent for the kids, a joke couch for your roommate or a house for the cat? Here are a few items that will come in handy when you make the cardboard creation:

  • imagination
  • time
  • patience
  • scissors
  • kraft paper tape {affiliate}
  • a pencil
  • notebook
  • markers, colored paper or tissue paper

Here is the "Go Fish" piñata. Not my best piñata but I think the 3 year old birthday boy is going to give it a couple of whacks and be happy as a clam. 

Let me know how your cardboard project goes and if you need any help drop me a note. See you later cardboard alligator!

MarchAndra Weberpinatas
Day 89 - Just Tired.

Day 89 - Hey there sleepy head. Who else is just plain tired? I bet there are a couple of people reading this post that woke up this morning and said "I'm still tired." We all get worn down from emotions, responsibilities and expectations. Carting the kids around, managing the boss, keeping up with social media, connecting with friends, caring for a sick loved one, getting food into our bodies, going to school, managing a career and the list just keeps coming! Who has time to sleep for crying out loud? Of course we are always feel tired! I was exhausted just from tying that list.

You Look Sleepy.

You Look Sleepy.

Also, we should also talk about that once it has been GO, GO, GO we can't fall asleep. We just sit there wanting to fall asleep. Dreaming of sleep. Hoping for sleep. That too is exhausting.

However, sleep as we know, is incredibly important to our well being. I googled "National Sleep Foundation" for some tidbits on why we need sleep. My favorite fact is "Humans are the only animals that delay sleep." Oh is that right?! Well, forget it. I'm going to bed right now. Well, after I finish this post anyway, in three hours. There I go delaying sleep again! 

Can't Even Keep The Peepers Open.

Can't Even Keep The Peepers Open.

Which brings me to the project today. Create a nightly routine that gets you to bed and helps you fall asleep fast then go get some sleep. Here is a list of "8 surprising tips and tricks" from "The Telegraph." I'm going to try the "4-7-8 breathing technique" and see if the sandman takes me away slumber town which sounds slightly creepy but I'll take it if it means I will fall asleep for 7 hours straight.

Let me know if you catch any zzz's and see you on the other side!

MarchAndra Weber
Day 88 - Kodachrome.

Day 88 - Hey There! Anyone else have a sugar hangover? I think I consumed about 4lbs of jelly beans and 10lbs of chocolate this weekend. However, it was a great weekend filled with lots of amazing memories. Who else is one of those people who snaps lots of photos, digitally files them away and never ever goes back to hit print. Me! Me! Me!

However, there is something special about holding a printed photo in your hands. It's real, just like the people and times that magically appear on the photo paper. A printed photo adds tangibility to forgotten places, people and projects. When our memory fades, it's all we will have left to remember the good and crazy stuff. 

Today's project is to carve out 10 min and create printed photos of great memories. I'm going to try Parabo Press. They are offering 25 square prints for free for first time customers with promo code "FIRST." Shipping is an additional cost. I'm going to order some personal photos but also some photos of Create & Change projects. The photos will be great inspiration to see the good and crazy of each and every project.

Get ordering and let me know how the photos turn out. See you tomorrow!

Day 87 - Traditions & Customs.

Day 87 - Hoppy Easter everybody! As I have mentioned many times before, holidays are big in our life. It got me to thinking about all the different ways holidays effect us and why they are important to celebrate. It seems like everyone I know is in transition. It occurred to me that spring is a transition in itself. Spring is the start of something new but it's also about saying goodbye to the old. It's about starting new customs but savoring the past traditions. It's the only season that celebrates reformation.

Today's thinking brings me to today's project. Pull out your note book and write down all the old traditions that you have celebrated in the spring. Think of ways the past has influenced how you celebrate a holiday. Now, take a few minutes to write down and create a new custom. Now go and celebrate at least one past tradition and the newly created custom. 

Here are a couple of old traditions we celebrate every spring.

Here are two new customs we will celebrate every spring.

What do you think? Does celebrating old traditions and creating new customs create a transformation in you? Either way Happy Easter folks! I gotta get back to eating my gigantic chocolate rabbit.

MarchAndra Webereaster
Day 86 - Egg Drama.

Day 86 - Hey folks. Keeping up with the trend of failures this week, my SLR camera stopped working right in the middle of taking photos for today's post. After 3 hours and two hardware stores, the good news is the camera for now is fixed. The bad news is the cool post about decorating eggs using salt could have been way better had there been time.

Shot On An I-Phone 5 And Retouched In Photoshop. A Lot.

Shot On An I-Phone 5 And Retouched In Photoshop. A Lot.

Here is where I could stop and say technology failed me and there is no project for today. I could throw in the towel and go to bed but in the words of a Home Depot commercial, "Let's Do This!" I promised a project everyday for 365 days so bear down and let's see if we can salvage this eggcellent project.

Today's project is to decorate eggs with salt. Here are the items needed:

  •  Wilton® food coloring
  • hard boiled eggs
  • salt
  • a paint brush
  • rubber gloves (if you want to avoid stained hands)
  • thick paper or an old cloth to protect work surface
  • egg carton for drying eggs

Step 1: Put on the gloves if using. Paint the eggs with the paint brush and the food coloring. Sprinkle with salt.

Step 2: Let dry 24 hours in an egg carton.

That's it! It's easy, a little messy and it makes jewel tone spotted eggs. 

Well, in the words of Annie the musical "Tomorrow... Tomorrow...There Will Be A Great Post Tomorrow...It's Only A Day Away!" See you tomorrow kids.

MarchAndra Webereaster
Day 85 - Cracking Up.

Day 85- Morning. Oh boy! This has been a week of failures. Good thing it's Friday. I'll have the weekend to steal lots of chocolate eggs from children's Easter baskets (notice I didn't say MY children) and hopefully emotionally eat my way to better creative posts for next week. I wouldn't call today's post a complete failure but I wouldn't call it an amazing success either. I would put it in the B movie category like "Sharknado." It's kind of charming but deep down inside we know it's a little sad.

Let me waste no time showing you this beast of a project. Please go ahead and try it and then report back. I'm sure you will be unsubscribing after trying this monster. Today's project is to make piñata joke eggs. Stay with me as I show you the exhausting steps for making this hell of a creative endeavor.  

Items Needed

  • 3 small balloons
  • newspaper or newsprint
  • 1 cup flour 
  • 1 cup water  
  • 3 different colors of tissue paper
  • 3 printed jokes (easter jokes can be found at
  • glue 
  • scissors
  • easter basket grass
  • non-breakable doodas such as erasers, small markers & rubberballs

Step 1: Blow up the balloons but only half size. Place some newspaper down on a work surface. Mix together flour and water in a large bowl. Cut 2" long strips from the newspaper or newsprint. Now place the wet paper on the balloon. Layer and cover the ballon. Place the wet ballon on the work surface. Repeat for the other balloons. Let dry 24-48 hours.

Step 2: Cut a small hole with a flap in the paper mâchè balloons. Place the easter grass, doodas & punchline of the joke in the piñata. Glue the joke to the outside of the paper mâchè. Cut 2" long strips from the tissue paper and then cut 1/2" slits in the 2" long strips to make "fringe." Start at the bottom of the piñata and glue the tissue paper to the paper mâchè. Keep alternating tissue paper colors until the piñata is covered except for the joke.

Step 3: Have someone stomp on the piñata to reveal the punch line and prizes inside.

Here Is The Beast.

Here Is The Beast.

Well, you win some you stomp on some. Hopefully you will still be will me tomorrow after this mess of a project. I just have to remember that no matter the outcome, change is happening when creating. Also, when projects don't work out there is always a pastry somewhere with my name on it. Signing off kids.

MarchAndra Weberpinatas
Day 84 - Egg Cups.

Day 84 - Ta Da! How's that for an intro to Thursday? Let's throw in some jazz hands for a little drama. You can't see me but I'm waving my hands wildly. Speaking of drama, who's hosting a holiday dinner at their house this weekend? I always love to dream about perfectly arranged spring tablescapes. They are always cue the start of spring and renewal. When they feature beautiful spring flower arrangements, an array of pastel colors and gigantic dark chocolate bunnies these spring tablescapes make me sigh.

All this spring jazz got me to thinking about what I would put on my spring table, which brings me to today's project, succulent egg cups. Since we most likely have a few egg shells lying around this time of year, they are a simple and creative way to be kind to the earth and add beauty to any spring table.

Items Needed:

  • tiny succulent plants 
  • 3/4 egg shells
  • egg carton
  • green moss
  • fresh cut flowers (optional)
  • old tea cups

First find a work area and place down newspaper. Cut the top off the egg carton. Cut the egg carton in half if only creating six egg cups or less. Now remove the succulents out of their pots and break up the roots. Fill the egg shell with 1/2 dirt and then add one succulent plant per egg shell. Put the egg cup in the egg carton. Repeat until all egg cups are done.

Fill the tea cup 3/4 full with moss. Add a egg cup. Add a little moss next to the succulent and then add a fresh cut flower on top and bam! Place the egg cups on the a spring table for a lovely spring tablescape accent. When the spring entertaining is over, take the egg cups out of the tea cup and plant them directly in a pot. 


Who knew creating could be as simple as throwing together some dirt and eggs? Dirt & Eggs? I think I have a post for tomorrow. Kidding folks. Or am I? In any case, see you tomorrow!



Day 83 - Art Work.

Day 83 - Hello. Hello. We are half way through the week and I woke up this morning with an itch. Maybe it's because it's spring. Maybe it's because we have now lived in our home for three long years. Whatever the case, I woke up and said, let's finally fill these walls with some stink'n art. 

Maybe This One? It Says Hello.

Maybe This One? It Says Hello.

I have consistently put off donning our walls with art. It seems weird right? One might surmise because I have an art degree our whole house would be dripping in creative visuals. Nada. Nope. No way. I always made the excuse that it was because we live in earthquake country and I was worried about frames flying off the walls in the event of a big one. Excuse two, the walls are plaster so they would be hard to fix if the artwork had to be relocated. Excuse three, I would rather be eating chocolate and sipping a margarita. However, when I start to get honest with myself, it comes down to pure laziness. To find just the right art and put it in just the right location takes work. Lots of work. 

Something Abstract? Title "Circles."

Something Abstract? Title "Circles."

Today's project is to pick one location in your house that needs art.

Step 1) Measure the size of the area that needs filling. 

Step 2) Think of the medium that would work best for this area and how the piece of art would tell the story about you. Ask yourself, how will the art weave a tale with the room around it to become a bigger story of your life?

Step 3) Look for art or make art to fill the space. Often times a great personal photograph, simple circles or a typography can fill the bill.

Step 4) Order a print. I'm going to try Parabo Press for the first time. The color engineer print might be neato and I heart square prints. I'll post another time how they turnout.

Step 5) Find a way to display the art. A frame? Clipboard? Tape? What will work best with the art and the space?

Step 6 ) Enjoy the art and all the hard work.

This One!

This One!

Now, I am going to get back to filling the space right above our fireplace. It features a weird shaped mirror that has been taunting me for years. Today, is the day I cover up that mirror with some interesting art. Let me know how your project goes and see you tomorrow curators! 



MarchAndra Weber
Day 82 - Failure Falling.

Day 82 - Hi ya. Oh Tuesday. Sometimes the only thing good about Tuesday is it follows Monday. Isn't Tuesday suppose to be the most productive day of the week? It doesn't feel very productive at all today. Who else wants to crawl back in bed, put the covers over their head and sleep right into Wednesday?

Oven Dried Carrots. The Main Ingredient In The Failed Carrot Cream Cheese Macarons.

Oven Dried Carrots. The Main Ingredient In The Failed Carrot Cream Cheese Macarons.

Here is what is making me want to snooze right into the middle of the week. I failed today. I tried to make french carrot cream cheese macaron cookies for today's post and I did it wrong. Yep. I hear you saying it's not the end of the world. Yep. It isn't the end of the world but what bothered me about today is at every step, I made bad decisions. I took shortcuts and I ended up throwing 2 days of work away in the garbage. 

There Was Still Hope At This Point.

There Was Still Hope At This Point.

After sulking a while, I started cleaning which is what I do when I am mad at myself. As I opened an old box, inside were lots of photographs that spanned my life. The first thing I noticed was the amount of khaki pants I wore in the '90s. Yikes! Call the nostalgic fashion police and have me arrested. Second, the photos that stood out were snapshots of times when I was failing. Looking back at these photos of failing moments, it occurred to me this was when life felt the most interesting and rewarding. It made me realize failing isn't falling. Failing is fear falling away.

This brings me to today's project. Today, go back and find a photo of a time when there was failure in life. Take a few moments to think what failure created for you. This whole post makes me think of a quote by the author Elizabeth Gilbert: "Fear is the most uninteresting thing about each of us." Yes! So now I will fear less and fail more. Bring on round two with the french macarons and here's to many more photos without khakis. Signing of until tomorrow.

MarchAndra Weber
Day 81 - Petal Pastel.

Day 81 - Ciao! It seems like starting Monday with hello in Italian might make the day seem tolerable. It might even make Monday fell a little less mundane. It also takes me back to a time when I use to travel. It has been a very long time since I have been to Italy. One thing I remember from the trip to the boot shaped country, besides the vats of gelato I consumed, was constantly being surrounded by amazing artwork. As I think about the perfectly constructed renaissance masterpieces viewed, every single piece was created by hand with raw materials such as paint, pastel or pencil. Mind blown.

When was the last time we created something using raw materials with our hands? Sure, I use the computer and incredible Adobe programs everyday but I started to think it's been at least 15 years since I have used one of my favorite mediums, chalk pastels. In fact, when I opened the box of pastels today, I found a bunch of old photos from the college years tucked into the box. It was incredibly nostalgic and it got me to thinking about today's project.

Today, think about something you loved to do in the past. Maybe it use to be woodworking, or baking or candlestick making? Whatever your passion, take one step to try it again. Dust off the typewriter, pull out the drum set or sharpen up your whittle. It's funny how looking back can make a big impact on how we create moving forward. 

After, spending a few minutes with my box of pastels today, it was like an old friend stopped by for a visit. It only took a few minutes to get to know each other again but things have changed over the years. It might take some time to become besties but I think we can create some good stuff. Let me know how things go with your old friend. Arrivederci!

MarchAndra Weber
Day 80 - Go Fish.

Day 80 - Hey! It's Sunday. Lazy day maybe? Lately, there has been more crazy and less lazy over here and it makes me wonder if life will ever slow down. Next up on the never ending list of stuff-to-do is planning for a little ones birthday party. If I haven't mentioned before, birthday's are big at our house. Let's just say, it's not a party at our house until a someone falls asleep with chocolate all over their face and with a broken DIY piñata in their arms. In other words, it gets crazy fun here.

The Initial Rough Sketch.

The Initial Rough Sketch.

The craziness starts with the planning. I can't help myself. I have a terrible compulsion to DIY everything. I'll blame my parents and the epic "Pink Flamingo" party they threw in '83. Are there photos of said party? Heck no. They all have been burned. However, if the internet had been fully around in '83 the "Pink Flamingo" party would have broken Pinterest. It was DIY at it's best. 

The Revised Electronic Artwork.

The Revised Electronic Artwork.

Let's get back to today's project. As I get into DIY throw down mode, let's dedicate today's project to party and invitation design.

The Color Version.

The Color Version.

The invitation starts the party. It gives life to the party. It gives color to the party and not to mention the theme! Today, let's practice invitation design and go fish for a great party theme.

Pick an object and make a quick drawing in your note book of the object. Maybe it's a cupcake, hot dog or fish. The object doesn't matter. The next step is to draw the same object again in a very different way. Maybe it's bigger? Maybe its turned? Maybe only half of the object is visible. Now, draw the same object for a third time in yet again in a different way. Now imagine the colors and fonts might work with the theme?

To give you an example, we are having a "Go Fish" party. There were a few iterations to the invitation illustrations before one was selected by the birthday boy. 

What do you think? Funny how slight changes to scale and cropping make the start of the invitation designs so different. I have to get back to making a cardboard row boat for the party but let me know how your next party turns out and stay tuned. There will be more posts and creating for the upcoming party. Signing off till tomorrow.  


MarchAndra Weberdesign