Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Day 119 - Sage Advice.

Day 119 - Hey, hey hey! How is it going today? You know I have a dirty little secret. Sometimes I let resistance win. I just sit at my desk checking Facebook and surfing Old Navy for something new for the old closet. Then I think, "What the hell am I doing?" I get mad at myself, call myself lazy and then I pour myself some tea and resist more. All this creates some negative mojo and energy. All this negative space feels like it has been adding up lately. I did some Googling on how to 'clear the air' and what popped up was interesting. Who has heard of burning white sage to cleanse the air around you? Well, I own a pair of Birkenstocks. I'll give it a go.

I just happen to have white sage growing right in my garden but after cutting a huge bunch of mighty green stalks, to create a sage bundle, I realized I am clearly allergic to white sage. As I type this, everything is itchy, including my eyelashes. Maybe burning the sage isn't a great idea but gives me a good idea.

Let's talk today's project. I'm providing this sage quote and artwork to help clear something away in your life. Think of the bad mojo and then let it pass. Now send this image onto a friend to help them clear the air today too. 

I hope you and everyone you connect with finds peace today and air is clear around you. Peace out till tomorrow!