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Week 13 - Before You Forget To Be Brave, Be Chic.

We tend to pile it on. We want more stuff. Sometimes it's to fill the parts of us that are empty. At other times it's to further our identity and to say we are someone special. Whatever style means to each of us, it tells a personal story. Whether we like it or not, who we are can be filtered by how we dress, where we live, what we own, and what we do. That's not to say style tells the story of the total package of us, but it does give a surface view on how we want the world to filter us.

The word chic gets a bad rap. Sure, the word can convey over privilege and self-importance. It can bring on images of thousand dollar dresses, the upper class and glamor found only in glossy magazines. However, what if we came to the agreement the word chic means "to be smart and selective about what we support in our lives?"

It might change how we look at things. If being chic is about being smart than education, self-restraint and selection are also a part of the definition of chic. Being chic can then be applied to filtering the words we read, the businesses we support, the causes we fund, the people we follow, the leaders we commit to, and most specifically support our core values. There is a certain bravery in the word chic because it means saying no. It empowers us to limit our choice and be thoughtful in the way we live and in turn, clearly, tells our personal story in a very specific way.

There is a certain level of a rebel in being chic and a particular kind of bravery in saying no.

How will you be chic today?

Until tomorrow friends.



MarchAndra Weberyet, quote, quotes
Day 208 - Advice Line.

Hello. It's Monday and I need some wise words to get through the day. It's one of those days where advice would come in handy. I read somewhere that advice is a biography of a person's life. It's a cautionary story people tell others. Today, I was thinking of advice I would share. What is something I have learned that would help someone reframe a problem? Hum, I think we have today's project. 

Create a line of advice that would help others. Now, share it today. Post it on social media, text a friend or call your mom. The key is making the advice based on something that has happened in your life and then pass it along.

I'm going to get back to contemplating other lines of advice and thinking up tomorrows next big project. See you tomorrow friends!



JulyAndra Weberwords, quote, yet
150 - Life Lemonade.

Day 150 - Greetings from the land of lemons. Yep, we have a lemon tree and boy is it full of fruit. Personally, I love everything about a lemon. They are delicious in just about anything. Lemons can be used to clean stuff and beautify the body inside and out. Who doesn't love a cup of hot water with lemon? Nothing says summer better than a glass of cold, sweet, tart lemonade. A bowl of lemons sitting out on a counter says home sweet home. In short, lemons are an amazing little fruit and make life lovely.

Today, grab some lemons. What can you create with them? I'll leave this creating project up to you today. Maybe it's a piece of artwork or a homemade lemon, gin and tonic? How about a lemon tart? A lemon photo still life? Make up a game with the lemons and call it lemon toss. Paint a room lemon yellow.

Well, whatever project you decide may it be sweet and sour. I've got to get back to sipping on some lemonade and enjoying the start of summer. See you tomorrow lemon heads!

MayAndra Weberquote, yet
Day 119 - Sage Advice.

Day 119 - Hey, hey hey! How is it going today? You know I have a dirty little secret. Sometimes I let resistance win. I just sit at my desk checking Facebook and surfing Old Navy for something new for the old closet. Then I think, "What the hell am I doing?" I get mad at myself, call myself lazy and then I pour myself some tea and resist more. All this creates some negative mojo and energy. All this negative space feels like it has been adding up lately. I did some Googling on how to 'clear the air' and what popped up was interesting. Who has heard of burning white sage to cleanse the air around you? Well, I own a pair of Birkenstocks. I'll give it a go.

I just happen to have white sage growing right in my garden but after cutting a huge bunch of mighty green stalks, to create a sage bundle, I realized I am clearly allergic to white sage. As I type this, everything is itchy, including my eyelashes. Maybe burning the sage isn't a great idea but gives me a good idea.

Let's talk today's project. I'm providing this sage quote and artwork to help clear something away in your life. Think of the bad mojo and then let it pass. Now send this image onto a friend to help them clear the air today too. 

I hope you and everyone you connect with finds peace today and air is clear around you. Peace out till tomorrow! 

Day 110 - Make No Little Plans.

Day 110 - Hey! It's Tuesday and I am wadding through and almost drowning in my second day of the altMBA workshop. We are talking about goals today in class and defining personal and professional goals. The project has directed us to not be grandiose with our goals because grandiose can lead to hiding. Really? Why wouldn't I want to be grandiose? The famous architect Daniel Burnham say it best:

"Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir men`s blood and probably themselves will not be realized. Make big plans; aim high in hope and work, remembering that a noble, logical diagram once recorded will never die, but long after we are gone will be a living thing, asserting itself with ever- growing insistency. Remember that our sons and grandsons are going to do things that would stagger us. Let your watchword be order and your beacon beauty."

Make Mountains And Move Them Too.

Make Mountains And Move Them Too.

Let's jumping right into the project today. Create a goal. Just one. Not 25 or 4 or 162. Just one goal and make it grandiose. Make it count. It's harder than it looks. Let's check out these seven steps of goal setting.

  1. Identify The Goal
  2. List The Benefits
  3. List The Obstacles To Overcome
  4. List The Skills And Knowledge Required
  5. Identify The People And Groups To Work With
  6. Develop A Plan Of Action
  7. Set A Deadline For Achievement

Here is an example of a goal: I am going to eat ice cream, because it is delicious, it might be expensive but walking to the store and scooping the creamy goodness is a one of my skills and I can get a few family members to help eat the ice cream so it feels like a party so I'm going to go out today at 2:58 get 8 ice cream pints, invite my family over and eat  the ice cream by 4:40 today.

On second thought, maybe I should shoot higher than eating ice cream based on Daniel Burnham's quote? Well, back to the drawing board. See you tomorrow!

P.S. How's the Earth Day promise going? Anyone have a cup of take out coffee or tea yesterday? I held firm, for now. 

Day 109 - Shoot The Moon.

Day 109 - Monday! Hello. Diving in head first today into my first official day of the altMBA class. With this altMBA class, a lot of thinking takes place and thinking is always a great place to doubt ourselves. Getting trapped in that big old brain can sometimes feel like a hamster on a wheel. Running and running but never going anywhere fast. With all this thinking I took time out today to do even more thinking about why I am taking this class.

The only thing that kept popping into my brain was the phrase "Shoot The Moon" which roughly translates, attempt the near impossible. However, after some thought to "Shoot The Moon" one needs something to shoot it with so this altMBA class is just that. The bow and arrow needed to "Shoot The Moon." With all that thinking I came up with a new phrase. It will be my guide through this altMBA class. 

"Shoot The Moon, But First Learn How To Bow And Arrow."

Today, think about a goal you want achieve. Now think about an old phrase or quote so that it is your champion for your goal. Write it down. Post it on your bathroom mirror, your computer or on the dash of your car. 

I'm going to get back to working on my aim and sharpen my quiver. See you tomorrow.

P.S. Since Wednesday is Earth Day, I'm going to create less waste all week long. No take out coffee or disposable water bottles this week for me. Who's with me?

AprilAndra WeberaltMBA, quote, yet
Day 101 - Can't, Yet.

Day 101 - Hey everybody! Welcome to Sunday. I hope everyone is getting up late, strolling to brunch and making plans to snooze on the couch. Sunday's are made for kicking back, drinking some brewskis and having a day off. Sunday's are also good for preparing for the week ahead. For me this week is going to be stressful and I have found myself saying the word "can't" a lot today.

Who else hates the word "can't" as much as I do? It's a terrible word. It's negative and self defeating right out of the gate. There is no sugar coating "can't." In most cases, it's pure apathy. It's destruction of hope. For example, let's take a look at the "can't" ideas circling in my head today. Maybe these will sound familiar. 

  • "I burnt the meal. I can't cook."
  • "I forgot to lock the car door. I can't remember anything."
  • "I didn't drop off the UPS packages. I can't get things done."
  • "I wanted to call my friend. I can't be there for anyone."
  • "I bought the wrong frame size. I can't do math."
  • "I tried to karaoke. I can't sing."
  • "I bought ice cream today. I can't eat ice cream"  (Ok. This one is a downright ridiculous lie. Of course I bought ice cream and of course I can eat it. I was just seeing if you were still paying attention.)

Here is the epiphany I had today. Try adding the word "yet" to any sentence containing "can't."  I love the word "yet." It has such hope and promise. The word "yet" is like an over optimistic, cheek pinching Aunt. It's hard not to love her because of her zeal, promise and enthusiasm. Not sold yet? Let's look how "yet" changes the tone of the sentences above.

  • "I burnt the meal. I can't cook, yet."
  • "I forgot to lock the car door. I can't remember anything, yet"
  • "I didn't drop off the UPS packages. I can't get things done, yet."
  • "I wanted to call my friend. I can't be there for anyone, yet."
  • "I bought the wrong frame size. I can't do math, yet."
  • "I tried to karaoke. I can't sing, yet."
  • "I bought ice cream today. I can't eat it all, yet." (See, it even works with this one.)

Pull out your note book and write down three (3) can't sentences that apply to you. Then write down the sentences again and add the word "yet." The word "yet" creates a different feeling right?

Next time I feel myself using "can't", I am going to pull out my secret weapon, "yet." That's all I have today. I'm going to break for a few brewskis and zone out on some boob tube. See you tomorrow everybody.

AprilAndra Weberquote, design, yet