Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Day 213 - Easy Art.

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Good day everyone. Yes! It's Saturday and it's a great time to make some art. Yes! Everyone can make art. Everyone! I'm going to hop right into todays project with a fast, fun and physical way to create easy art on this summer Saturday.

You will need a straw or two as this project is fun to do with a friend. Thick paper like watercolor, printmaking paper or card stock paper. Liquid watercolors {affiliate link} or food coloring will also be needed. That's it! Well, and maybe a place to let the paint fly and an apron might also help the process.

The history of making art by blowing pigment around dates back a long time. In fact, the earliest forms of art have been found in Spain, France and Indonesia and date back 32,000 - 40,000 years. You can read more about cave paintings and the history of blowing art via Live Science: "The Worlds Oldest Cave Art."

Now take a look at this video and watch how to create some super cool artwork of your own.

I hope you enjoyed the history lesson and enjoy making easy art today. See you tomorrow summer artists!


JulyAndra Weberart, yet