Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Do you Want To Be Happy? Get Messy.

The illusion of perfection can be overwhelming. We can dream of a designer house, kids that don't have tantrums, a fit and trim body, a flourishing bank account, a rocket ship career and my personal favorite, well-styled hair. Our minds get hooked on the idea that if we could get to perfection, then everything in our lives would be seamless. We wouldn't worry anymore about getting sick, being kind or living a meaningful life. We would be happy with perfection.


What if we embraced the messy today? Let the house be a disaster. Allow the kids to wail all they want. Slide into work and just be ok. Does letting things get messy bring a different if not, better state of happiness to our lives?

I'm going to try summer hair don't care today. How about you?

Until tomorrow friends.

JuneAndra Weberyet