Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Creativity Is Free So Join In On the Fun.


// Hello, Friends-

We are living in strange times. With a pandemic circulating the globe and shelter-in-place orders restricting our freedoms, we find ourselves suddenly forced inside, together, for who knows how long.

Schools are shut.

Our workplaces are closed.

Food insecurity is running high.

Toilet paper is the new currency.

Panic is the new normal.

We feel alone and overwhelming.

However, there is always light in dark times. Let me offer up a solution for at least a few minutes a day. Tap into your creative magic. How?

Adults and kids join me at 10 am PST, Monday through Friday, on Instagram Live for little creative projects that will distract, entertain and make you giggle just a bit.


You don’t need many supplies. Just paper, markers or crayons and your imagination.


If you miss the live event, it will be available for 24 hours afterward on Instagram Stories. Here is where you can find the FREE Instagram Live project.

1) Go to my profile andrawebercreative on Instagram and then click on my image in the upper left.


2) Next, a window should pop up like this. Click on “Live” in the lower right. Voíla! A FREE class to get your creative juices flowing.


I promise it’s fun, it might give adults a few moments to unload the dishwasher, make a phone call or just take a moment to take a deep breath. It’s also a great way for anyone to just let go, adults included!

Look at this “Sunshine In A Jar” done during an Instagram Live event!

Sunshine In a Jar by Wyatt Pazdan

Sunshine In a Jar by Wyatt Pazdan

Will, I see you tomorrow at 10 am on Instagram Live friends? I hope so!

Sending lots of love and light. //