Design & Creative Development

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Posts tagged classes
Here Are 3 Creative Back To School Ideas That Can Create Happiness.

Hi, Creative Friends-

It’s that time of year when parents rejoice and kids spend the last few days of summer soaking up freedom! The shift from summer to back to school can be a rocky one but…

This week, here are 3 creative back-to-school ideas, that can create happiness …

  1. Draw Up Inspiration: Pick a great quote from this Pure Wow “46 Inspirational Back-to-School So Your Kids Can Have The Best Year Ever” list and then grab some art supplies to sketch, collage or make that quote into a work of art. Post it up to make a happy reminder for the school year ahead.

  2. Smart Foods: Packing lunches can be a good way to get creative, save money and find happiness. Try these 35 School Lunch Ideas for Teens by Taste of Home. Each meal looks like it would make happiness bloom at any age!

  3. Art Supply Surprise: Gift your student with a sweet art supply surprise! Purchase one special marker, paint, highlighters, stickers, or pencil not listed on the school supply list and gift it to them on the first day of school. Watch as happiness and creativity follows through the year!

Drop me a message and let me know what you are working on or how will create happiness with back-to-school.

Also, thanks for reading. This newsletter takes some time to pull together. Consider showing your support by forwarding it to someone who might need some inspiration or buying some of my artwork at INPRNT or Society 6.

If you are seeing this newsletter/blog for the first time and want to keep seeing content subscribe here.

Keep going, creative friends!



Here Are 3 Creative August Ideas That Can Create Happiness.

Hi, Creative Friends-

“The Roots Of Education Are Bitter But The Fruit Is Sweet.” ~ Aristotle

With the summer’s end near, getting back to learning can be on everyone’s mind. Back-to-school time can help us make creative leaps in our work and our lives. However, making the transition from casual summertime fun to the more structured learning days of fall can leave us all feeling a bit in a state of chaos. That’s why…

This week, here are 3 creative ideas that can create happiness this August…

  1. Wish A Goodbye: Transition can be hard at any point in our lives but taking time to be purposeful in the transition can be healing. Try making a “Make A Wish” tree from Smithsonian Museum and watch happiness bloom into fall. If you need some lovely watercolor fall leaves to use for your wishes, you can find a FREE Download here.

  2. Schooling Snacks: If fueling up for school and getting creative in the kitchen sounds like a happy way to start the new school year, try this delicious Yam Spice Superhero Muffin recipe from Vital Farms.

  3. Don’t Worry: If you are a bit like me, this time of year can come with some worries and managing the big anxiety from our kids, or ourselves can be at the top of our school supply list. Try this book written by Shunmyo Masuno: Don’t Worry: 48 Lessons On Relieving Anxiety From A Zen Buddist Monk. Shunmyo Masuno also happens to be a Zen Garden designer and offers practical ideas on how to calm the mind and create happiness through creativity.

Drop me a message and let me know what you are working on or how will create happiness this month.

Also, thanks for reading. This newsletter takes some time to pull together. Consider showing your support by forwarding it to someone who might need some inspiration or buying some of my artwork at INPRNT or Society 6.

If you are seeing this newsletter/blog for the first time and want to keep seeing content subscribe here.

Keep going, creative friends!



Here Are 3 Creative Back To School Ideas That Can Create Happiness.

Hi, Creative Friends-

“The Roots Of Education Are Bitter But The Fruit Is Sweet.” ~ Aristotle

With the summer’s end near, the start of school might be on everyone’s mind. We might think school is only for certain ages, learning something new if for anyone. Getting back to learning can help us make big creative leaps and develop new talents well into our golden years. That’s why…

This week, here are 3 creative ideas, to make learning easier and happier for anyone at any age…

  1. Create Voyersium: If we watch a cooking show or how-to video does it make us more creative or is it creative voyeurism? Find out by reading this article from the Harvard Business Review: “Watching an Expert Do Something Makes You Think You Can Do It Too.” and then watch the new show on Netflix: Bake Squad. On this show, watch experts create and bake incredibly creative deserts and then decide for yourself if creativity is contagious or purely inspiration.

  2. Class It Up: Learning something new gets our creative ideas flowing and creates a sense of happiness but where do we start? If watercolor interests you, check out Dylan Mierzwinski “Still Life Lifes Are Cool: Contemporary and Traditional Art In Acryla Gouache.” With just a few supplies, which include a basic set of Acryla Gouache, a sketchbook, and these fabulous paintbrushes from The Pigeon Letters you will be painting and creating in no time. If Skillshare is too much of a commitment, bake your heart out one class at a time with Molly Wilk’s Virtual French Pastry classes. The September classes just launched and each class looks deliciously delightful. Since apples should be at peak season, try this beautiful Tarte Tatin class. I can’t think of a better way to create happiness than through painting and pastry!

  3. Draw Big Lines: Did you know one pencil can draw a line 35 miles long? If you are looking for pencils that can go the extra mile try Statler’s Mechanical Drafting Pencil Set and then check out this article on NPR about Chuck Close, the American artist with big dreams who passed away this week at the age of 81 but never stopped learning.

Drop me a message and let me know what you are working on or how will create happiness with learning.

Also, thanks for reading. This newsletter takes some time to pull together. Consider showing your support by forwarding it to someone who might need some inspiration or buying some of my artwork at INPRNT or Society 6.

If you are seeing this newsletter/blog for the first time and want to keep seeing content subscribe here.

Keep going, creative friends!



Make Summer Creative & Sweet With These 3 Happy Ideas.

Hi, Creative Friends,

It’s not officially the season of floating down a lazy river, eating boatloads of ice cream, or loafing around the backyard. However, in preparation for summer let’s take…

This week, sweeten the start of the summer with these 3 happy, creative ideas.

  1. Go Wild In Your Backyard Or Living Room: Is there anything more beautiful than snipping a bouquet of homegrown wildflowers? Try planting a bundle of California Wildflower Seeds brimming with Golden State poppies or purchase this California Wild Flower art print from Society 6 to start the season sweet and make any room happy.

  2. Make A Travel Plan In Your Own Kitchen: Some of us are yearning to travel to someplace new but still are having trouble leaving the comfort of our own home. Try creating a sweet escape in your own kitchen with this new cookbook “French Pastry Made Simple” by Molly Wilkinson. Molly makes the most complicated french pastry recipes, such as cream puffs and eclairs, downright simple and sweetens the experience with her American In France perspective.

  3. Let’s Go Fly A Kite: A super cool DIY project is always an exciting way to celebrate the start of summer and kite flying always makes the soul soar. Making one’s own kite is thrilling and easy! Here is how to make a kite from a blue IKEA bag. This project makes for a happy way to create a sweet, happy summer moment!

Drop me a message and let me know what you are working on or how you are creating sweet summer.

Also, thanks for reading. This newsletter takes some time to pull together. Consider showing your support by forwarding it to someone who might need some inspiration or buying some of my artwork at INPRNT.

If you are seeing this newsletter/blog for the first time and want to keep seeing content subscribe here.

Keep going, creative friends!



Creativity Is Free So Join In On the Fun.

// Hello, Friends-

We are living in strange times. With a pandemic circulating the globe and shelter-in-place orders restricting our freedoms, we find ourselves suddenly forced inside, together, for who knows how long.

Schools are shut.

Our workplaces are closed.

Food insecurity is running high.

Toilet paper is the new currency.

Panic is the new normal.

We feel alone and overwhelming.

However, there is always light in dark times. Let me offer up a solution for at least a few minutes a day. Tap into your creative magic. How?

Adults and kids join me at 10 am PST, Monday through Friday, on Instagram Live for little creative projects that will distract, entertain and make you giggle just a bit.


You don’t need many supplies. Just paper, markers or crayons and your imagination.


If you miss the live event, it will be available for 24 hours afterward on Instagram Stories. Here is where you can find the FREE Instagram Live project.

1) Go to my profile andrawebercreative on Instagram and then click on my image in the upper left.


2) Next, a window should pop up like this. Click on “Live” in the lower right. Voíla! A FREE class to get your creative juices flowing.


I promise it’s fun, it might give adults a few moments to unload the dishwasher, make a phone call or just take a moment to take a deep breath. It’s also a great way for anyone to just let go, adults included!

Look at this “Sunshine In A Jar” done during an Instagram Live event!

Sunshine In a Jar by Wyatt Pazdan

Sunshine In a Jar by Wyatt Pazdan

Will, I see you tomorrow at 10 am on Instagram Live friends? I hope so!

Sending lots of love and light. //

A New Year Calls For This One Excellent Update.

This post contains affiliate links.

// Hello, Friends -

We are now deep into mid-January. Who is currently working toward their New Year's resolutions? Did you power lift into the new year with a lofty set of goals and take over changes in your life like a pirate in an icy snowstorm on the way to a mountain topped with gold?

Nope, me either.

I find making life updates is well, hard.

It’s easier to hurry up vs slow down.

It’s easier to stay put vs move on.

It’s easier to be comfortable in what is known vs. what could be learned.

Sometimes our deepest challenge is making the change we need to in order to expand. It’s within the expansion that we have time to think about what we want. However, change requires slowing down to see the beautiful things the world has to offer and figuring out resources and partners to get us to our goals.

One partner that has helped me on my journey is Skillshare. {affiliate link} It’s a learning platform that does an excellent job of providing a wide range of classes to support positive change. Skillshare has created a fuss-free environment for making life updates and they offer a wide range of classes from design, money management to lifestyle. Here some of my personal favorites:

Design & Illustration

If you are an illustrator or designer check out top teacher Tom Froese. {affiliate link} He has many well-defined illustration classes that will provide a breath of great insight and learnings. One of my favorites:

“ODD BODIES: Illustrating Expressive, Stylized People” 

Writing & Social Media

If you want to write better content at work, or on your social media posts, check out Matt Bellassai’s: {affiliate link}

“Going Viral: Write, Film & Make Content People Share”

He’s cheeky and entertaining with great stories to help the learning process.

Lifestyle & Home

If you need a style update, Emily Henderson’s {affiliate link}

“Style Your Space: Creative Tips and Techniques for Interior Design” 

is a lovely resource to help understand design and how it can play within your space.


You want to get more creative and don’t know where to start? Check out my Skillshare class:

“Create Everyday: How To Unlock Your Creative Magic Now”

{affiliate link}

Let’s take a leap, learn something new and create an excellent update for ourselves in 2020!

Until soon dear friends //