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Posts tagged kale
3 Creative Ideas To Make Wonderful Progress On Your New Year's Goals.

Hi, Creative Friends-

Happy New Year! The start of any new year brings the opportunity to evaluate goals and tap into new ideas. If you are a bit like me, getting started on planning a tiny or huge project can be overwhelming. I gave myself two weeks to define my 2023-year goals. Do you know what accomplished in two weeks? I baked a cake, played games with my kids, went for very long walks, and downright avoided planning anything for 2023. With a herculean effort, I did finally focus on the planning for 2023 but it took life hacks and fresh creative thinking. No matter the goal or procrastination level, here are 3 creative ideas to…

Make Wonderful Progress On Your New Year’s Goals.

  1. Make The Goals S.M.A.R.T: When thinking about goals, it can be easy to get lost. A great way to make progress on a goal is to make it S.M.A.R.T (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, And Time-bound.) More can be read about S.M.A.R.T. goals and why they matter on the Asana Blog.

  2. Sketch The Situation: Not everyone is good with words. Sitting down with a pen and a journal to write down big ideas can turn productive time into a pause. If words overwhelm you, try sketching out what the goals might look like and read this article from Time magazine from the designer Ayse Birsel, “How To Sketch A Life Plan.”

  3. Kale. Exhale. Repeat: Even if you hate eating anything green, just adding a few salads a week can help prioritize any health goals. Kale: some people hate it and some people love it. For what it’s worth, I’m on the fence about kale but this favorite salad from Marathon runner’s Shalane Flanagan “Run Fast Eat Slow” blog looks delicious. I have the “Run Fast Eat Slow” cookbook and it’s full of great recipes to pump up the energy and help us make progress on any 2023 health goals!

Drop me a message and let me know what you are working on and share your new year’s resolutions.

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Keep going, creative friends!

