Design & Creative Development

Create & Change

Posts tagged printables
This Is For When You Need A Big Bear Hug.

// Hello Friends, - It’s been a while since we have chatted. How are you doing with all of this madness? If you are a bit like me, you might be feeling overwhelmed.

The news is chaos.

Schools are shut.

Face masks are the new little black dress.

Two words: food shortage.

Stay 6 feet away!?

Oh, and murder hornets are here…

Mental health should be our number one priority at the moment. It’s no joke that we are being layered with stress and anxiety. What we probably need right now is a good old fashioned hug.

So, I illustrated something for you. It’s a big old bear hug coloring page for you and it’s FREE!

Download it for FREE here: Bear Hug Coloring Page Printable.

Print it, and color your feelings out! Snap a photo of your coloring page and pass the “Bear Hug!” onto someone who needs to be remembered they are loved. I can think of so many grandparents, teachers, and parents who need something to keep them going right now.

And to all of you struggling right now above or below the surface, hang in there.

If you need a bear hug, I’m here for you.

Until soon friends. //

Day 218 - Mom Notes.

Hey there kiddos. It's been a long day here. I am going to go straight to today's project. For all you parents out there, this post is for you. With the summer coming to a close, back-to-school is at the top of the old grey matter today. Is it just me or is there a lot of excitement and anxiety swirling about the first day of school? Even as an adult, there can be some worry about sending kids off to who knows what. As a dad or mom we might wonder are they having fun? Did they remember their jacket for the playground? Are they eating their lunch?

Which brings me to a great idea I learned from a wonderful mom of three. Place a note in your child's lunch box to make them feel remembered and loved. If school starts in a few weeks, just print out the below free printables and have them ready to go for the first week of school. The idea is to create a connection even when apart, especially on that emotional first day of school. You can download a free printables PDF here: Mom Notes.


And for all you dad's out there, these are for you too.  

I'm going to get back to dreaming up tomorrow's project. In the meantime, I am raising my milk glass to the first day of school and saying bring on the school days!