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Posts tagged sweater
This Is What You Need To Wear To Any Holiday Party.

This post contains affiliate links.


Hi, Friends,

It’s the holidays.

There is stress eating to do, ridiculous white elephant gifts to buy, the overtly showboating holiday letter to write, and so much more on our never-ending holiday lists! Who has energy or time to drum up something festive to wear?

Maybe we are leaning toward wearing something simple and demure like this is holiday sweater: Cat-A-Palooza Holiday Sweater {affiliate link}

Or maybe the universe has been good to us and we would rather spend our holiday bonus at Goop on this “Skirt With Ducks?” It’s on sale for $375 down from $1,043! What a steal! Maybe you can get away with calling it “Seven Swans A Swimming Skirt?”

If both of the above options sound worse than fruitcake after a night of drinking tequila, I have a very simple, festive and downright darling solution. It won’t make you go blind with kitten power and it won’t break the bank.

A Pom Pom Sweater.

It will cost us about $30 and we can get all the supplies at Target and online.

A New Day Eyelash Sweater (Target! I went up a size to leave room to stuff my belly with Big Peppermint Cookies. Yes, I do think about these things.)

1 pack Tinsel Pom Poms {affiliate link}

1 pack safety pins {affiliate link}

Step 1: Place the sweater on a flat surface and randomly pin the pom poms to the sweater from the back side. Alternate colors and sizes.


Or wear the sweater, look in the mirror, and pin the pom poms on the back side.

Step 2: Celebrate your festive look!


Happy Holidays Simple And Chic Friends!